A simple implement of circuit breaker with Go, trigger for fail-fast and return quickly when your API comes to high error rate durning a period of time. You can assume making API as a unique entity for your project, it could be a uri path or database handling. :)
- dynamic adjustment
Every access for api will count for a period of time, and mark the status of succeed or failed, that depended on your business.There are few params configurable:- minCheck:at least request for how much time durning the round interval will take it necessary
- cbkErrRate: the error rate to trigger circuit breaker
- roundInterval:reset all api count, included total/succeed/failed, that means you server can accept the err rate durning this.
- recover interval:when breaker is triggered, how long to cool down until allow for next try to check if your api is ok.
About state transition, you can look at this visual img.
type CircuitBreaker interface {
// check if your api(key) allow to access
CanAccess(key string) bool
// mark failed api result
Failed(key string)
// mark succeed api result
Succeed(key string)
type CircuitBreakerImp struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
apiMap map[string]*apiSnapShop
minCheck int64
cbkErrRate float64
recoverInterval time.Duration
roundInterval time.Duration
API's detail info
type apiSnapShop struct {
isPaused bool
errCount int64
totalCount int64
accessLast int64 // last access time
roundLast int64 // start time for this round
cbk := &CircuitBreakerImp{}
cbk.apiMap = make(map[string]*apiSnapShop)
// 15s per round to reset the err rate
cbk.roundInterval = util.ToDuration(15 * time.Second)
// when breaker is triggered, recover for next try
cbk.recoverInterval = util.ToDuration(5 * time.Second)
// consider the api at least request for 5 time durning the round interval
cbk.minCheck = 5
// when error rate comes to 50%, circuit breaker triggered
cbk.cbkErrRate = 0.5
func TestCircuitBreakerImp(t *testing.T) {
log.Infof("Test for cbk: %s", HOST_PREFIX+MOCK_API)
cbk := &CircuitBreakerImp{}
cbk.apiMap = make(map[string]*apiSnapShop)
// reset api metric when round end per 15s
cbk.roundInterval = util.ToDuration(15 * time.Second)
// allow to access when cbk triggered in a round per 5s
cbk.recoverInterval = util.ToDuration(5 * time.Second)
cbk.minCheck = 5
cbk.cbkErrRate = 0.5
func StartMock(cbk *CircuitBreakerImp) {
for {
// mock failed for every second
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
select {
case <-ticker.C:
ReqForTest(cbk, 0)
func ReqForTest(cbk *CircuitBreakerImp, turn int) {
//log.Infof("Ready to reqForTest: %s, turn-id-%v", HOST_PREFIX+MOCK_API, turn)
if !cbk.CanAccess(MOCK_API) {
log.Warnf("Api: %v is break, wait for next round or success for one...", MOCK_API)
NeetCoolDown = true
} else {
//log.Infof("Request access allow: %s", HOST_PREFIX+MOCK_API)
// after
if NeetCoolDown && turn == 0 {
NeetCoolDown = false
turn = 1
log.Warnf("Transfer fail to success: %s, turn-id-%v", HOST_PREFIX+MOCK_API, turn)
if turn == 0 {
log.Errorf("# Meet failed ReqForTest: %s", HOST_PREFIX+MOCK_API)
} else {
log.Infof("# Meet success ReqForTest: %s", HOST_PREFIX+MOCK_API)
As you can see, at first the mock api is not be paid attention, till it comes to our cbk condition and start to denied. When cool down(after 5s), the cbk allow it to access again.
Any question keep in touch :)
Circuit Breaker Pattern
Sony gobreaker