automation of setting up systems for the pmxworkflow
Documentation on how to build ligand systems for pmxworkflow using (version 0.3). Requires github update but many of these docs still apply. 08_31_2021
Deposit the names of ligands and smiles into an excel spreadsheet. Where smiles codes are of the form ‘smile code + chosen_ligand_name’.
- Your chosen ligand names should be vertical is column A of *.xlsx.
- Smiles should be vertical in column B of *.xlsx.
Column A Column B
Ligand1 name smile code 1 Ligand1 name
Ligand2 name smile code 2 Ligand2 name
… …
Ligandn name smile code n Ligandn name
For the current setup, to run the pmxworkflow, you will need to first prepare a few input files in no particular order. Namely, the macromolecule of interest, the excel file, and four '*.yml' files:
In development: *.yml generations and deposition to appropriate folders.
For now, if you are running this code in the folder of your system ‘tyk2’ (system_dir). Then, the '*.yml' files should be located at:
| targets.yml
\-- date_dir
| \-- 00_data
| | | target.yml
| | | ligands.yml
| | | edges.yml
date_dir is a directory name of your choosing, but the date is a logical choice for bookkeeping purposes. Example: 2021_01_01
In version 0.3, system_dir and date_dir are input variables for func in ‘ligand_builder_v*.py’ so make note of them.
‘’ generates '.sdf' and '.mol2' files with partial charges and deposit them into appropriate folders for the pmxworkflow for you.
Import as:
from ligand_builder_v0_3 import *
collect_excel_data(input_excel_file: str) -> str Reads in 'my_data.xlsx'. example: collect_excel_data('my_data.xlsx')
'my_data.xlsx' = the location and name of the
excel file with your smiles and
smi_to_sdf(toolkit_to_use: str, input_excel_file: str) -> str Outputs a .sdf for each ligand using openeye or openbabel
‘toolkit_name’ = ‘openbabel’ or ‘openeye’
'my_data.xlsx' = the location and name of the
excel file with your smiles and
sdf_to_mol2() Calculates the partial charges of the structural files and prints *.mol2 for each ligand.
struc_dir_setup(system_dir, date_dir, pmx_ligands_dir)
Organizes the folders for *.sdf and *.mol2. Consistent with
pmxworkflow. Iput variable system_dir is the directory for the
simulated system. example: tyk2
system_dir = the system you are studying, example tyk2
date_dir = date of the project
pmx_ligands_dir = the folder that will store ligand folders,
default 02_ligands
For pmxworkflow:
system_dir/date_dir/pmx_ligands_dir = pwf.ligPath
struc_dir_setup() will also output the path input you should
set for the pwf variable when running the pmxworkflow.
generate_yml_files() under development
Ligand_builder completes the file generation required for the pmxworkflow step: workflow1_parameterize_ligands ^ which generates input files for gromacs.
After setting up the ligands, create docked structures.