*nix system requirements:
libmysqlclient-dev (if intending to use mysql as a db, which is reccomended)
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev gettext (on a debian/ubuntu based flavor)
after cloning, make sure to run:
cd safetyvalve
pip install distribute==0.7.3
pip install -r requirements.txt
NB: If you intend to use different backend than MySQL, you don't need the mysql-python lib listed in the requirements.txt.
cd safetyvalve (yes, again)
cp safetyvalve/local_settings.py{-example,}
# Edit the safetyvalve/local_settings.py to set database info and config your local instance
# e.g. vim safetyvalve/local_settings.py
python manage.py syncdb (if you haven't already done so)
python manage.py collectstatic (optional in dev)
python manage.py updatealthingi (will poll for frumvarp)
python manage.py runserver (to run a dev server)
At the project's root directory (where 'manage.py' recides), run the following
django-admin makemessages -l is # (or some other code instead of 'is')
This will update the translation source file at: locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/django.po Edit the file and translate the strings. Then run:
django-admin compilemessages
This will compile the translation file into the target file at: locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/django.mo
Then the server will need restarting to take the changes into account.