A simple sample app showing how to use mediasoup-client-android. Please note this is still a rough draft and is no where near complete yet. Feel free to use it as a reference.
This requires the below SDK:
- mediasoup-client-android: https://github.com/haiyangwu/mediasoup-client-android
This repository are fork from:
- mediasoup-android-sample: https://github.com/ethand91/mediasoup-android-sample
WS code repository
- mediasoup3-wsdemo: https://github.com/ethand91/mediasoup3-wsdemo
The SDK is included (built for archs x86 and arm64)
- Device Initialization - DONE
- WebRtcTransport Creation - DONE
- WebRtcTransport Connection - DONE
- Produce - DONE
- Producer Pause/Resume
- Consumer Pause/Resume
- Simulcast