Hello, welcome!
If you have managed to stumble upon these lands you are in for a treat, these are unexplored lands filled with loot and treasure!
Even though these side projects are some of my first ones, they do convey a lot about how I approach problem solving and programming. Their simplicity is also part of the beauty. Therefore I do think they give an insight no personality and IQ test could achieve, so I hope you find them both as interesting and fun as I do.
.fla files are tricky to open and I have only managed to do so in adobe animate. However I have uploaded some swf files which I can open in finder(not in vscode), so you might have to download them.
A simple drawing program that used mouse events and circles of different color and size to create a drawing program. I imported a picture of a colorwheel and used this to create my own color selection, and the result was a pretty good drawing program. Additionally I wanted to create a figure detection algorithm so I utilized my math knowlege to create corners whenever the gradient changed by a certain amount, and the result was a pretty bad but working figure detection algorithm.
figure drawing swf file (could use some work)
My first game, its quite fun, you can save up to a lamborghini but it didnt really have an end, unless you find the hidden portal...
What I remember best creating this was when I had to solve the problem of orienting the character the correct way. I asked the smartest student I knew and she didnt know. The next day I had figured it out and showed her. The solution seems so simple now but at the time it was a great achievement, do you see what I did?
I have always been facinated with 3D objects, and this was my first attempt at a 3D game, I remember sitting in my room at our mountain-cabin without internet, creating this game, good memories. It worked by having a pretty cool gun I designed in the middle, and using the position of the mouse to configure where the fun pointed and the width, creating a 3d illusion. This looked kinda whack but it worked. When you pressed the mouse the gun would shoot a bullet with a velocity in x,y,z direction relative to the gun position, and the objective was to hit rick and morty figures on the x,z axis. A fun game.
AI has allways peaked my interest, and I wanted to create one. Of course I had no idea how and what an AI even was, so the result was a simple root algorithm. It worked by having a seed which would create roots downwards. In the ground there would be water droplets, and the current root would know how far away the droplets were. It would then move in a random direction and if the distance grew it would backpropogate and redo. It would do this until all droplets had been aquired. Looking back this was actually a really cool algorithm because three years later I would learn about recurring funcitons and backpropogation, which I then just intuitivly had assimilated. Additionally it looks pretty realistic, which is cool when you think about it.
My most proud achievement. In order to create a better 3D game I wanted to create a 3D game engine so to speak. I had no idea how, and I refused to use the internet to find solutions, because I wanted to find one myself. So over the course of a few weeks I had multiple attempts at creating a 3D rendered world on my 2D computer screen. One day while I was working as an extra for a tv-show, I had some time for myself. I decided to use this to figure out how to do it so without my computer I sat beneath some stairs just thinking about possible solutions, and then it came to me. I again had to use use knowlege from my math class, creating two circles using sigmoid functions and boom, I had a cube. By scaling this cube, and changing the gradient I could see myself in a square room. This was extremely cool, but unfortunately I never got to use this for a game. Nonetheless the takeaway here is just how far you can come with persistance and some math knowlege.
I wanted to utilize some of my projects to get a better grade in my class. Therefore I wanted to create a rotating 3D logo with K for Kristoffer. By using logic from the CUBE, creating the logo and importing it into my deliverables, my teacher might have been impressed. Looking back this is a pretty good example of how I utilized object oriented programming without even knowing about it. K_logo swf file(wait at least 10 seconds)
Im sorry if this seemed unnecessary and boasting, that was not my intention. I just wanted to use these projects to explain a bit about myself, as they have taught me a lot and I have not been able to use them for anything else.