This project aim is to provide common django project utils and tools for all PIK django projects.
It should provide guidance and tool recommendations for documentation, testing, etc.
This project is a part of django-service-boilerplate
We use semantic versioning MAJOR.MINOR.MAINTENANCE scheme, where the project author increments:
- MAJOR version when they make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when they add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
- MAINTENANCE version when they make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
- Django specific staffpik.libs
- Django specific modules and librariespik.utils
- not Django specific small utils and goodness
- Abstract Django models for common use casespik.core.models.fields
- common model fieldspik.core.tests
- Testing helperspik.core.shortcuts
- Django code shortcuts and missed helperspik.core.cache
- Cache helperspik.core.clear_history
- Module for deleting old history rows
- Base Historical Entity modelsNullOwned
- Models for user relationSoftDeleted
- Soft deletable model
- Allows you to save the same UID Identifier for child table in inherited tables as in parent table
- user fixtures
get_object_or_none(model: Type[models.Model], **search_keys) -> Optional[models.Model]
validate_and_create_object(model: Type[models.Model], **kwargs) -> models.Model
validate_and_update_object(obj: models.Model, **kwargs) -> Tuple[models.Model, bool]
update_or_create_object(model: Type[models.Model], search_keys: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs) -> Tuple[models.Model, bool, bool]
get_current_request() -> Optional[HttpRequest]
- text normalization helpers
normalize(text: str) -> str
company_name_normalization(name: str) -> str
- Follow
- Create
file - Generate Django common settings