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Merge pull request #27 from johannah-pik/AdjustReporting
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Adjust reporting
  • Loading branch information
johannah-pik authored Oct 30, 2024
2 parents d179ac8 + b68a5fe commit cc2278b
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,119 additions and 222 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .buildlibrary
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
ValidationKey: '1019439'
ValidationKey: '1201560'
AutocreateReadme: yes
- 'Warning: package ''.*'' was built under R version'
- 'Warning: namespace ''.*'' is not available and has been replaced'
AcceptedNotes: 'Undefined global functions or variables:'
allowLinterWarnings: yes
enforceVersionUpdate: no
skipCoverage: no
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions .github/workflows/check.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ jobs:
- uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
extra-packages: |
# piam packages also available on CRAN (madrat, magclass, citation,
# gms, goxygen, GDPuc) will usually have an outdated binary version
# available; by using extra-packages we get the newest version
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ jobs:
shell: Rscript {0}
run: |
nonDummyTests <- setdiff(list.files("./tests/testthat/"), c("test-dummy.R", "_snaps"))
if(length(nonDummyTests) > 0) covr::codecov(quiet = FALSE)
if(length(nonDummyTests) > 0 && !lucode2:::loadBuildLibraryConfig()[["skipCoverage"]]) covr::codecov(quiet = FALSE)
NOT_CRAN: "true"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions CITATION.cff
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ cff-version: 1.2.0
message: If you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from this file.
type: software
title: 'reporttransport: Reporting package for edgeTransport'
version: 0.5.1
date-released: '2024-09-23'
version: 0.6.0
date-released: '2024-10-30'
abstract: This package contains edgeTransport-specific routines to report model results.
The main functionality is to generate transport reporting variables in MIF format
from a given edgeTransport model run folder or REMIND input data.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Type: Package
Package: reporttransport
Title: Reporting package for edgeTransport
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 2024-09-23
Version: 0.6.0
Date: 2024-10-30
person("Johanna", "Hoppe", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: This package contains edgeTransport-specific routines to
Expand Down
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions R/aggregateVariables.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ aggregateVariables <- function(vars, mapAggregation, weight = NULL) {
# Test for duplicated entries to prevent double counting in the aggregation
test <- copy(vars)
test[, value := NULL]

if (anyDuplicated(test)) stop("Variables for aggregation contain duplicates.
Check reportEdgeTransport() to prevent double counting")

Expand All @@ -96,6 +97,14 @@ aggregateVariables <- function(vars, mapAggregation, weight = NULL) {
setnames(weight, "value", "weight")

# Exclude vars that are not aggregated and create solely the variable entry
exclude <- c("Load factor", "Load factor raw", "Preference|FV", "Preference|S1S", "Preference|S2S1",
"Preference|S3S2", "Preference|VS3", "TCO sales Operating costs (total non-fuel)", "TCO sales Fuel costs", "TCO sales Capital costs", "Time value costs",
"Annual mileage", "Energy intensity sales", "Energy intensity (raw)", "Purchase Price", "Load factor (raw)")

aggregatedvars <- createVariableEntry(vars[variable %in% exclude | grepl(".*Iteration.*", variable)], aggrOrder)
vars <- vars[!(variable %in% exclude | grepl(".*Iteration.*", variable))]

# Aggregate each level of the decision tree --------------------------------------------------------------------
for (i in seq(0, length(aggrOrder) - 1)) {
aggrvars <- copy(vars)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +144,7 @@ aggregateVariables <- function(vars, mapAggregation, weight = NULL) {

exclude <- c("Sales", "Vintages", "Stock", "Load factor")
exclude <- c("Sales", "Vintages", "Stock")
varsForFurtherAggregation <- vars[!variable %in% exclude]

# Aggregate Pass with bunkers --------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,8 +292,8 @@ aggregateVariables <- function(vars, mapAggregation, weight = NULL) {
aggregatedvars <- rbind(aggregatedvars, aggrvars)

if (anyNA(aggregatedvars)) stop("Output variable contains NAs.
Please check reportAndAggregatedMIF()")
Please check aggregateVariables()")
if (anyDuplicated(aggregatedvars[, c("region", "period", "variable")])) stop("Output variable contains Duplicates.
Please check reportAndAggregatedMIF()")
Please check aggregateVariables()")
129 changes: 77 additions & 52 deletions R/convertToMIF.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,13 +22,15 @@ convertToMIF <- function(vars, GDPMER, helpers, scenario, model, gdx, isTranspo
applyReportingNames <- function(vars, mapNames) {

rename <- function(columns, mapNames) {

dt <- data.table(name = c(columns))
dt[, rownum := .I]
dt <- merge(dt, mapNames, by = "name", allow.cartesian = TRUE, all.x = TRUE)
# Important to prevent change of row order
setkey(dt, "rownum")
dt <- dt[!, name := reportName]
dt[grepl(".*tmp", name), name := NA]
dt[name == "", name := NA]
dt[!, name := paste0("|", name)]

Expand All @@ -45,42 +47,46 @@ convertToMIF <- function(vars, GDPMER, helpers, scenario, model, gdx, isTranspo

# Use ES demand as weight to aggregate over modes-------------------------------------------
varsToMIFext <- vars$ext[!names(vars$ext) %in% c("GDPppp", "population")]
noAggregationvars <- vars$ext[c("GDPppp","population")]
varsToMIFext <- rbindlist(varsToMIFext, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
varsToMIFint <- rbindlist(vars$int, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)

# Prepare vars that are not aggregated over modes
if (!is.null(noAggregationvars$GDPppp)){
noAggregationvars$GDPppp[, variable := "GDP|PPP"][, value := value * 1e-3][, unit := "billion constant 2017 Int$PPP"]
noAggregationvars$population[, variable := "Population"][, unit := "million"]
noAggregationvars <- rbindlist(noAggregationvars, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)

# Apply variable naming convention----------------------------------------------------------
varsToMIFext <- applyReportingNames(varsToMIFext, helpers$reportingNames)
varsToMIFint[, fuel := NA]
varsToMIFint <- applyReportingNames(varsToMIFint, helpers$reportingNames)
noAggregationvars <- rbindlist(vars$int[c("GDPpcPPP", "GDPpcMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
varsToMIFint <- rbindlist(vars$int[!names(vars$int) %in% c("GDPpcPPP", "GDPpcMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
varsToMIFext <- rbindlist(vars$ext[!names(vars$ext) %in% c("GDPppp", "population", "GDPMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)

# Regional aggregation----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Aggregation to world is always supplied
mapWorld <- unique(varsToMIFext[, c("region")])[, aggrReg := "World"]
worldDataExt <-, mapWorld, by = "region"))
if (!is.null(noAggregationvars$GDPppp)) worldDatanoAggregationvars <-, mapWorld, by = "region"))
weight <- copy(varsToMIFext[variable == "ES"])
weight[, c("variable", "unit", "fuel") := NULL]
mapWorld <- unique(vars$ext[[1]][, c("region")])[, aggrReg := "World"]
worldDataExt <- lapply(vars$ext, function(x, mapWorld), mapWorld, by = "region")), mapWorld)

weight <- copy(vars$ext$fleetESdemand)
weight[, c("variable", "unit") := NULL]
setnames(weight, "value", "weight")
weightedInt <- merge(weight,varsToMIFint, by = intersect(names(varsToMIFint), names(weight)), all.x = TRUE)
byCols <- names(weightedInt)
byCols <- byCols[!byCols %in% c("region", "value", "weight")]
weightedInt[, sum := sum(weight), by = eval(byCols)]
weightedInt[sum == 0, weight := 1, by = eval(byCols)][, sum := NULL]
worldDataInt <- weightedInt[, .(value = sum(value * (weight / sum(weight)))), by = eval(byCols)]
worldDataInt[, region := "World"]
varsToMIFint <- rbind(varsToMIFint, worldDataInt)
varsToMIFext <- rbind(varsToMIFext, worldDataExt)
if (!is.null(noAggregationvars$GDPppp)) noAggregationvars <- rbind(noAggregationvars, worldDatanoAggregationvars)

#split shareweights
if (!is.null(vars$int$scenScpecPrefTrends)) {
Preferences <- list(
PrefrenceFV = vars$int$scenScpecPrefTrends[variable == "Preference|FV"],
PrefrenceS1S = vars$int$scenScpecPrefTrends[variable == "Preference|S1S"],
PrefrenceS2S1 = vars$int$scenScpecPrefTrends[variable == "Preference|S2S1"],
PrefrenceS3S2 = vars$int$scenScpecPrefTrends[variable == "Preference|S3S2"],
PrefrenceVS3 = vars$int$scenScpecPrefTrends[variable == "Preference|VS3"]
vars$int <- vars$int[!names(vars$int) == "scenScpecPrefTrends"]
vars$int <- append(vars$int, Preferences)

worldDataInt <- lapply(vars$int, function(x, weight) {
byCols <- names(x)
#sharweights include empty columns
emptyColumns <- names(x)[sapply(x, function(x) all( | x == ""))]
byCols <- byCols[!byCols %in% c("value") & byCols %in% names(weight) & !byCols %in% emptyColumns]
weight <- weight[, .(weight = sum(weight)), by = eval(byCols)]
weightedInt <- merge(x, weight, by = intersect(names(x), names(weight)), all.x = TRUE)
byCols <- names(weightedInt)
byCols <- byCols[!byCols %in% c("region", "value", "weight")]
weightedInt[, sum := sum(weight), by = eval(byCols)]
weightedInt[sum == 0, weight := 1, by = eval(byCols)][, sum := NULL]
worldDataInt <- weightedInt[, .(value = sum(value * (weight / sum(weight)))), by = eval(byCols)]
worldDataInt[, region := "World"]
return(worldDataInt)}, weight)

## Additional regions
## if regionSubsetList != NULL -> gdx provides 21 region resolution
Expand All @@ -99,33 +105,52 @@ convertToMIF <- function(vars, GDPMER, helpers, scenario, model, gdx, isTranspo
tmp <- data.table(region = regionSubsetList[[i]], aggrReg = namesReg[i])
regSubsetMap <- rbind(regSubsetMap, tmp)
regSubsetDataExt <-[region %in% unique(regSubsetMap$region)],
regSubsetMap, by = "region"))
if (!is.null(noAggregationvars$GDPppp)) regSubsetDataNoAggregationVars <-[region %in% unique(regSubsetMap$region)],
regSubsetMap, by = "region"))
weightedInt <- merge(varsToMIFint, regSubsetMap, by = intersect(names(varsToMIFint), names(regSubsetMap)), all.y = TRUE)
weightedInt <- merge(weight, weightedInt, by = intersect(names(weightedInt), names(weight)), all.y = TRUE)
byCols <- names(weightedInt)
byCols <- byCols[!byCols %in% c("region", "value", "weight")]
weightedInt[, sum := sum(weight), by = eval(byCols)]
weightedInt[sum == 0, weight := 1, by = eval(byCols)][, sum := NULL]
regSubsetDataInt <- weightedInt[, .(value = sum(value * (weight / sum(weight)))), by = eval(byCols)]
setnames(regSubsetDataInt, "aggrReg", "region")

regSubsetDataExt <-[region %in% unique(regSubsetMap$region)],
regSubsetMap, by = "region"))

varsToMIFint <- rbind(varsToMIFint, regSubsetDataInt)
varsToMIFext <- rbind(varsToMIFext, regSubsetDataExt)
if (!is.null(noAggregationvars$GDPppp)) noAggregationvars <- rbind(regSubsetDataNoAggregationVars, noAggregationvars)
regSubsetDataExt <- lapply(vars$ext, function(x, regSubsetMap) {[region %in% unique(regSubsetMap$region)],
regSubsetMap, by = "region"))}, regSubsetMap)
regSubsetDataInt <- lapply(vars$int, function(x, regSubsetMap, weight) {
weightedInt <- merge(x, regSubsetMap, by = intersect(names(x), names(regSubsetMap)), all.y = TRUE)
byCols <- names(x)
#sharweights include empty columns
emptyColumns <- names(x)[sapply(x, function(x) all( | x == ""))]
byCols <- byCols[!byCols %in% c("value") & byCols %in% names(weight) & !byCols %in% emptyColumns]
weight <- weight[, .(weight = sum(weight)), by = eval(byCols)]
weightedInt <- merge(weight, weightedInt, by = intersect(names(weightedInt), names(weight)), all.y = TRUE)
byCols <- names(weightedInt)
byCols <- byCols[!byCols %in% c("region", "value", "weight")]
weightedInt[, sum := sum(weight), by = eval(byCols)]
weightedInt[sum == 0, weight := 1, by = eval(byCols)][, sum := NULL]
regSubsetDataInt <- weightedInt[, .(value = sum(value * (weight / sum(weight)))), by = eval(byCols)]
setnames(regSubsetDataInt, "aggrReg", "region")
return(regSubsetDataInt)}, regSubsetMap, weight)

noAggregationvars <- rbind(noAggregationvars,
rbindlist(regSubsetDataInt[c("GDPpcPPP", "GDPpcMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE),
rbindlist(worldDataInt[c("GDPpcPPP", "GDPpcMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE),
rbindlist(vars$ext[c("GDPppp", "population", "GDPMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE),
rbindlist(regSubsetDataExt[c("GDPppp", "population", "GDPMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE),
rbindlist(worldDataExt[c("GDPppp", "population", "GDPMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE))

varsToMIFint <- rbind(varsToMIFint,
rbindlist(regSubsetDataInt[!names(regSubsetDataInt) %in% c("GDPpcPPP", "GDPpcMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE),
rbindlist(worldDataInt[!names(worldDataInt) %in% c("GDPpcPPP", "GDPpcMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE))

varsToMIFext <- rbind(varsToMIFext,
rbindlist(regSubsetDataExt[!names(regSubsetDataExt) %in% c("GDPppp", "population", "GDPMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE),
rbindlist(worldDataExt[!names(worldDataExt) %in% c("GDPppp", "population", "GDPMER")], fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE))

# Apply variable naming convention----------------------------------------------------------
varsToMIFext <- applyReportingNames(varsToMIFext, helpers$reportingNames)
varsToMIFint[, fuel := NA]
varsToMIFint <- applyReportingNames(varsToMIFint, helpers$reportingNames)

# Aggregate variables-----------------------------------------------------------------------
toMIFext <- aggregateVariables(varsToMIFext, helpers$reportingAggregation)
weight <- varsToMIFext[variable == "ES"]
toMIFint <- aggregateVariables(varsToMIFint, helpers$reportingAggregation, weight)

if (!is.null(noAggregationvars$GDPppp)) {
if (!is.null(noAggregationvars)) {
toMIF <- rbind(toMIFint, toMIFext, noAggregationvars)
} else {toMIF <- rbind(toMIFint, toMIFext)}

Expand Down
45 changes: 39 additions & 6 deletions R/reportAnalyticsVarSet.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,19 +13,52 @@ reportAnalyticsVarSet <- function(data, timeResReporting) {
updatedEndogenousCosts <- list()
policyMask <- list()
rawEndogenousCost <- list()
allCostsFV <- list()
allCostsVS3 <- list()
allCostsS3S2 <- list()
allCostsS2S1 <- list()
allCostsS1S <- list()

for (i in seq_along(data$endogenousCostsIterations)) {
updatedEndogenousCosts[[i]] <- data$endogenousCostsIterations[[i]]$updatedEndogenousCosts
policyMask[[i]] <- data$endogenousCostsIterations[[i]]$policyMask
rawEndogenousCost[[i]] <- data$endogenousCostsIterations[[i]]$rawEndogenousCost
endogenousCostsData <- data[names(data)[grepl("endogenousCostsIteration.*", names(data))]]
for (i in 1:length(endogenousCostsData)) {
updatedEndogenousCosts[[i]] <- endogenousCostsData[[i]]$updatedEndogenousCosts
policyMask[[i]] <- endogenousCostsData[[i]]$policyMask
rawEndogenousCost[[i]] <- endogenousCostsData[[i]]$rawEndogenousCosts

updatedEndogenousCosts <- rbindlist(updatedEndogenousCosts)
policyMask <- rbindlist(policyMask)
rawEndogenousCost <- rbindlist(rawEndogenousCost)
fleetVehNumbersIterations <- rbindlist(data$fleetVehNumbersIterations)
fleetVehNumbersIterations <- rbindlist(data[names(data)[grepl("fleetVehNumbersIteration[0-9]+", names(data))]])
costsDiscreteChoiceData <- data[names(data)[grepl("costsDiscreteChoiceIteration[0-9]+", names(data))]]
cols <- names(data$helpers$decisionTree)
for (i in 1:length(costsDiscreteChoiceData)) {
lapply(costsDiscreteChoiceData[[i]], function(dt, cols){
colsdt <- names(dt)
missingCols <- cols[!cols %in% intersect(colsdt, cols)]
if (!length(missingCols) == 0) dt[, eval(missingCols) := ""]
}, cols)
allCostsFV[[i]] <- costsDiscreteChoiceData[[i]]$allCostsFV
allCostsVS3[[i]] <- costsDiscreteChoiceData[[i]]$allCostsVS3
allCostsS3S2[[i]] <- costsDiscreteChoiceData[[i]]$allCostsS3S2
allCostsS2S1[[i]] <- costsDiscreteChoiceData[[i]]$allCostsS2S1
allCostsS1S[[i]] <- costsDiscreteChoiceData[[i]]$allCostsS1S

analyticsData <- list(updatedEndogenousCosts, policyMask, rawEndogenousCost, fleetVehNumbersIterations)
allCostsFV <- rbindlist(allCostsFV)
allCostsVS3 <- rbindlist(allCostsVS3)
allCostsS3S2 <- rbindlist(allCostsS3S2)
allCostsS2S1 <- rbindlist(allCostsS2S1)
allCostsS1S <- rbindlist(allCostsS1S)

analyticsData <- list(updatedEndogenousCosts = updatedEndogenousCosts,
policyMask = policyMask,
rawEndogenousCost = rawEndogenousCost,
fleetVehNumbersIterations = fleetVehNumbersIterations,
allCostsFV = allCostsFV,
allCostsVS3 = allCostsVS3,
allCostsS3S2 = allCostsS3S2,
allCostsS2S1 = allCostsS2S1,
allCostsS1S = allCostsS1S)

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