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adding average LCOccsinje and adjustment cost bugfixes
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tabeado authored Jan 4, 2024
2 parents ff50a96 + d875e21 commit bb3bd38
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Showing 6 changed files with 67 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .buildlibrary
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
ValidationKey: '222529006'
ValidationKey: '222548732'
- 'Warning: package ''.*'' was built under R version'
- 'Warning: namespace ''.*'' is not available and has been replaced'
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion CITATION.cff
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ cff-version: 1.2.0
message: If you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from this file.
type: software
title: 'remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)'
version: 1.128.1
version: 1.128.2
date-released: '2024-01-04'
abstract: Contains the REMIND-specific routines for data and model output manipulation.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Type: Package
Package: remind2
Title: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)
Version: 1.128.1
Version: 1.128.2
Date: 2024-01-04
Authors@R: c(
person("Renato", "Rodrigues", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre")),
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70 changes: 52 additions & 18 deletions R/reportLCOE.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){

# read in general data (needed for average and marginal LCOE calculation)
s_twa2mwh <- readGDX(gdx,c("sm_TWa_2_MWh","s_TWa_2_MWh","s_twa2mwh"),format="first_found")
s_GtC2tCO2 <- 10^9 * readGDX(gdx,c("sm_c_2_co2","s_c_2_co2"),format="first_found")
ttot <- as.numeric(readGDX(gdx,"ttot"))
ttot_before2005 <- paste0("y",ttot[which(ttot <= 2000)])
ttot_from2005 <- paste0("y",ttot[which(ttot >= 2005)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){
p47_taxCO2eq_AggFE <- readGDX(gdx,"p47_taxCO2eq_AggFE", restore_zeros=F, react = "silent")

## variables
v_directteinv <- readGDX(gdx,name=c("v_costInvTeDir","vm_costInvTeDir","v_directteinv"),field="l",format="first_found")[,ttot,]
v_directteinv_wadj <- readGDX(gdx,name=c("o_avgAdjCostInv"),field="l",format="first_found")[,ttot,]
v_costInvTeDir <- readGDX(gdx,name=c("v_costInvTeDir","vm_costInvTeDir","v_directteinv"),field="l",format="first_found")[,ttot,] ## Total direct Investment Cost in Timestep
v_costInvTeAdj <- readGDX(gdx,name=c("v_costInvTeAdj"),field="l",format="first_found")[,ttot,] ## total adjustment cost in period
vm_capEarlyReti <- readGDX(gdx,name=c("vm_capEarlyReti"),field="l",format="first_found")[,ttot,]
vm_deltaCap <- readGDX(gdx,name=c("vm_deltaCap"),field="l",format="first_found")[,ttot,]
vm_demPe <- readGDX(gdx,name=c("vm_demPe","v_pedem"),field="l",restore_zeros=FALSE,format="first_found")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,13 +174,13 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){
te_inv_annuity <- 1e+12 * te_annuity[,,te] *
v_investcost[,ttot_before2005,te] * dimSums(vm_deltaCap[teall2rlf][,ttot_before2005,te],dim=3.2),

te_inv_annuity_wadj <- 1e+12 * te_annuity[,,te] *
v_investcost[,ttot_before2005,te] * dimSums(vm_deltaCap[teall2rlf][,ttot_before2005,te],dim=3.2),
v_costInvTeAdj[,ttot_from2005,te] + v_costInvTeDir[,ttot_from2005,te]

# average LCOE components ----
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,12 +238,29 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){

# 2. sub-part: fuel cost ----

# fuel cost = PE price * PE demand of technology
# 2.1 primary fuel cost = PE price * PE demand of technology

te_annual_fuel_cost <- new.magpie(getRegions(te_inv_annuity),ttot_from2005,magclass::getNames(te_inv_annuity), fill=0)
te_annual_fuel_cost[,,pe2se$all_te] <- setNames(1e+12 * qm_pebal[,ttot_from2005,pe2se$all_enty] / qm_budget[,ttot_from2005,] *
setNames(vm_demPe[,,pe2se$all_te], pe2se$all_enty), pe2se$all_te)

# 2.2 second fuel cost - !only CCSinje for now!
# pm_prodCouple: Second fuel production or demand per unit output of technology. Negative values mean own consumption, positive values mean coupled product.
pm_prodCouple <- readGDX(gdx, "pm_prodCouple", restore_zeros = F)
# potential fuels and prices: not needed in this detail here, but copying approach in marginal section
fuels <- c("peoil","pegas","pecoal","peur", "pebiolc" , "pebios","pebioil",
"seel","seliqbio", "seliqfos","seliqsyn", "sesobio","sesofos","seh2","segabio" ,
pm_PEPrice <- readGDX(gdx, "pm_PEPrice", restore_zeros = F)
pm_SEPrice <- readGDX(gdx, "pm_SEPrice", restore_zeros = F)
Fuel.Price <- mbind(pm_PEPrice,pm_SEPrice )[,,fuels]*1e12 # convert from trUSD2005/TWa to USD2005/TWa [note: this already includes the CO2 price]

# calculate secondary Fuel cost for ccsinje
te_annual_secFuel_cost <- new.magpie(getRegions(te_inv_annuity),ttot_from2005, "ccsinje" , fill=0)
te_annual_secFuel_cost[,,"ccsinje"] <- setNames(-pm_prodCouple[,,"ccsinje"] * Fuel.Price[,,"seel"] * vm_co2CCS[,,"ccsinje.1"], "ccsinje")
# units: -1 (so pm_prodCouple turns positive because consuming energy) * electricity demand (pm_prodCouple, TWa/GtC)
# * electricity price (Fuel.Price, USD2005/TWa) * amount of CO2 captured (vm_co2CCS, GtC) = te_annual_secFuel_cost = [USD2005]

# 3. sub-part: OMV cost ----

# omv cost (from pm_data) * SE production
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +326,7 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){

# 7. sub-part: ccs injection cost ----
# 7. sub-part: ccs injection cost (for technologies capturing CO2) ----

# same as for storage/grid but with ccs inejection technology
# distributed to technolgies according to share of total captured co2 of ccs technology
Expand All @@ -319,7 +337,7 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){

# calculate total ccsinjection cost for all techs
total_ccsInj_cost <- dimReduce(te_annual_inv_cost[getRegions(te_annual_OMF_cost),getYears(te_annual_OMF_cost),"ccsinje"] +
te_annual_OMF_cost[,,"ccsinje"] + te_annual_secFuel_cost[,,"ccsinje"])
# distribute ccs injection cost over techs
te_annual_ccsInj_cost[,,teCCS] <- setNames(total_ccsInj_cost * dimSums(v_emiTeDetail[,,"cco2"][,,teCCS], dim = c(3.1,3.2,3.4), na.rm = T) /
dimSums( v_emiTeDetail[,,"cco2"], dim = 3, na.rm = T),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,7 +402,7 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){
te_annual_ccsInj_cost +

# calculate total energy production
####### 10. sub-part: calculate total energy production and carbon storage #################################
# SE and FE production in MWh
total_te_energy <- new.magpie(getRegions(vm_prodSe),getYears(vm_prodSe),
c(magclass::getNames(collapseNames(vm_prodSe[temapse],collapsedim = c(1,2))),
Expand All @@ -406,21 +424,25 @@ reportLCOE <- function(gdx, output.type = "both"){
total_te_energy_usable <- total_te_energy
total_te_energy_usable[,,teVRE] <- total_te_energy[,,teVRE] - v32_storloss[,ttot_from2005,teVRE]*s_twa2mwh

# change unit of stored CO2 from GtC to tCO2
vm_co2CCS_tCO2 <- vm_co2CCS*s_GtC2tCO2

# LCOE Calculation (average) ----
LCOE.avg <- NULL
######### calculate average LCOE ##################
LCOE.avg <- NULL

# calculate standing system LCOE
# divide total cost of standing system in that time step by total generation (before curtailment) in that time step
# exception: grid and storage cost are calculate by dividing by generation after curtailment
# convert from USD2005/MWh to USD2015/MWh (*1.2)
# exceptions: - grid and storage cost are calculated by dividing by generation after curtailment
# - carbon storage cost are calculated by dividing by tons of CO2 that are stored
# convert from USD2005/MWh (or tCO2) to USD2015/MWh (or tCO2) (*1.2)
LCOE.avg <- mbind(
#### Energy technologies (pe2se$all_te)
paste0("LCOE|average|",pe2se$all_enty1,"|",pe2se$all_te,"|supply-side", "|Investment Cost")),
paste0("LCOE|average|",pe2se$all_enty1,"|",pe2se$all_te,"|supply-side", "|Investment Cost w/ Adj Cost")),
Expand All @@ -445,7 +467,18 @@ LCOE.avg <- NULL
paste0("LCOE|average|",pe2se$all_enty1,"|",pe2se$all_te, "|supply-side","|CO2 Cost")),
paste0("LCOE|average|",pe2se$all_enty1,"|",pe2se$all_te, "|supply-side","|Curtailment Cost"))
paste0("LCOE|average|",pe2se$all_enty1,"|",pe2se$all_te, "|supply-side","|Curtailment Cost")),
#### Carbon Transport and storage ("ccsinje")
paste0("LCOCS|average|","injectedCO2|","ccsinje","|supply-side", "|Investment Cost")),
paste0("LCOCS|average|","injectedCO2|","ccsinje","|supply-side", "|Investment Cost w/ Adj Cost")),
paste0("LCOCS|average|","injectedCO2|","ccsinje", "|supply-side","|OMF Cost")),
paste0("LCOCS|average|","injectedCO2|","ccsinje", "|supply-side","|Second Fuel Cost"))

# convert to better dimensional format
Expand All @@ -472,7 +505,8 @@ LCOE.avg <- NULL
df.lcoe.avg$cost <- sapply(df.lcoe.avg$cost, "[[", 6)

df.lcoe.avg <- df.lcoe.avg %>%
mutate( unit = "US$2015/MWh") %>%
mutate( unit = "US$2015/MWh") %>%
mutate(unit = case_when(tech=="ccsinje" & output=="cco2_stored" ~ "US$2015/tCO2", TRUE ~ unit)) %>%
select(region, period, type, output, tech, sector, unit, cost, value)

# reconvert to magpie object
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions R/reportTechnology.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,6 +250,13 @@ reportTechnology <- function(gdx, output = NULL, regionSubsetList = NULL, t = c(

tmp <- bind_category(tmp, v_investcost, category, unit, factor, techmap)
int2ext <- get_global_mapping(category, unit, techmap)

if (CDR_mod != "off") {
unit <- "US$2005/tCO2 yr"
factor <- 1000 / 3.6
tmp <- bind_category(tmp, v_investcost, category, unit, factor, cdrmap)
int2ext <- c(int2ext, get_global_mapping(category, unit, cdrmap))

### Capital cost including adjustment cost ----
if (!is.null(v_adjustteinv_avg)) {
Expand All @@ -263,14 +270,14 @@ reportTechnology <- function(gdx, output = NULL, regionSubsetList = NULL, t = c(

if (tran_mod == "complex") {
unit <- "US$2005/veh"
tmp <- bind_category(tmp, v_investcost, category, unit, factor, carmap)
tmp <- bind_category(tmp, v_investcost + v_adjustteinv_avg, category, unit, factor, carmap)
int2ext <- c(int2ext, get_global_mapping(category, unit, carmap))

if (CDR_mod != "off") {
unit <- "US$2005/tCO2 yr"
factor <- 1000 / 3.6
tmp <- bind_category(tmp, v_investcost, category, unit, factor, cdrmap)
tmp <- bind_category(tmp, v_investcost + v_adjustteinv_avg, category, unit, factor, cdrmap)
int2ext <- c(int2ext, get_global_mapping(category, unit, cdrmap))

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# The REMIND R package (2nd generation)

R package **remind2**, version **1.128.1**
R package **remind2**, version **1.128.2**

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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ In case of questions / problems please contact Renato Rodrigues <renato.rodrigue

To cite package **remind2** in publications use:

Rodrigues R, Baumstark L, Benke F, Dietrich J, Dirnaichner A, Führlich P, Giannousakis A, Hasse R, Hilaire J, Klein D, Koch J, Kowalczyk K, Levesque A, Malik A, Merfort A, Merfort L, Morena-Leiva S, Pehl M, Pietzcker R, Rauner S, Richters O, Rottoli M, Schötz C, Schreyer F, Siala K, Sörgel B, Spahr M, Strefler J, Verpoort P, Weigmann P (2024). _remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)_. R package version 1.128.1, <>.
Rodrigues R, Baumstark L, Benke F, Dietrich J, Dirnaichner A, Führlich P, Giannousakis A, Hasse R, Hilaire J, Klein D, Koch J, Kowalczyk K, Levesque A, Malik A, Merfort A, Merfort L, Morena-Leiva S, Pehl M, Pietzcker R, Rauner S, Richters O, Rottoli M, Schötz C, Schreyer F, Siala K, Sörgel B, Spahr M, Strefler J, Verpoort P, Weigmann P (2024). _remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)_. R package version 1.128.2, <URL:>.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

Expand All @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {remind2: The REMIND R package (2nd generation)},
author = {Renato Rodrigues and Lavinia Baumstark and Falk Benke and Jan Philipp Dietrich and Alois Dirnaichner and Pascal Führlich and Anastasis Giannousakis and Robin Hasse and Jérome Hilaire and David Klein and Johannes Koch and Katarzyna Kowalczyk and Antoine Levesque and Aman Malik and Anne Merfort and Leon Merfort and Simón Morena-Leiva and Michaja Pehl and Robert Pietzcker and Sebastian Rauner and Oliver Richters and Marianna Rottoli and Christof Schötz and Felix Schreyer and Kais Siala and Björn Sörgel and Mike Spahr and Jessica Strefler and Philipp Verpoort and Pascal Weigmann},
year = {2024},
note = {R package version 1.128.1},
note = {R package version 1.128.2},
url = {},

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