A quick python script to create RSA keys and encrypt/decrypt files
With this script, you can:
- Create RSA Keys of any strenght
- Encrypt/Decrypt Files
Uses the Miller-Rabin primality test, written in python by Ayrx, to find big prime numbers (154 digits by default) and the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to compute them into RSA Keys.
To create RSA Keys, run RSA.py as following:
$ python RSA.py --genkeys filename
It will create two files, filename-public.key and filename-private.key
You can set the strenght of your key as following:
$ python RSA.py --genkeys filename -s 15
The above command will specifically ask the program to find 15 digits long prime numbers (154 digits long by default)
You can also encrypt or decrypt files as following:
$ python RSA.py --encrypt file -k key-public.key
$ python RSA.py --decrypt file-encrypted -k key-private.key
the encryption of file.txt will result in the creation (or update) of file-encrypted.txt, and the decryption of a file-encrypted.txt will be written in file.txt (it will try to remove the -encrypted in the name, if it can't find it will overwrite the encrypted file)
you can also use this script inside yours by calling the getKeys(strenght) function of utils.py. the strenght is an int, use 154 if you want a strong key
The getKeys() function returns two tuples as following:
>>> public_key, private_key = getKeys(154)
with public_key = ( module , encryption_exponent ) and private_key = ( module , decryption_exponent )
you can then use encryptChar() and decryptChar() as following:
>>> encrypted_a = encryptChar('a',public_key)
>>> decryptChar(encrypted_a,private_key)
where encrypted_a is a long int
To import the function, you can use the following method:
import sys,os
from utils import getKeys,encryptChar,decryptChar