Matplotlib for a rudimentary GUI, and pre-computed data for 2-player tictactoe.
The program is written to work with up to 20 players, of user-defined board size.
You will need to define the number of consecutive pieces to be considered winning, with
the --win_count
argument, which defaults to be 5.
This might accidentally be the solution to your school project, but if you
build it from here, think about Chess, or Go. 3-dimensional chess
is also a viable option.
How would you design difficulty levels for the Auto player?
> python -h
usage: [-h] [--size N] [--win_count C] name [name ...]
Play a game
positional arguments:
name names of the players. Must have at least two players.
Use `auto` for an exceptionally smart auto-player
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--size N, -s N size of the board. Default: 20
--win_count C, -w C Number of consecutive pieces to be considered winning. Default: 5
# For a tictactoe game with automatic player:
> python -s 3 -w 3 <your name> auto
Generating pre-computed data for 3-player Caro game with board of size 20x20 and 5 consecutive pieces to be considered winning:
> python -p 3 -s 20 -w 5
> python -s 7 -w 3 gauss auto