Grimace coin - a token, a coin that is sold on exchanges, the grimace team regularly issues tasks, upon completion of which coins in grimaces are added.
Grimace tasks application is a parser application that parses information from social networks such as instagram, twitter, etc, and checks that the task conditions are met.
Clean Architecture is a software design concept that enforces separation of concerns and respects the preservation of SOLID for ease of maintenance, scalability, and cost reduction depending on platformers or libraries.
- Step 1. We receive data on tasks and accounts from the bot's API, using get requests
- Step 2. We save or update the data based on the received data in the database
- Step 3. Parse data for Instagram and check the completion of tasks using the Instagram api
- Step 4. Save the parsing results to the database
- Step 5. Send the results back to the web api of the telegram bot
GrimaceCoin: WebSite Telegram Instagram
@Ramtinak for Private Instagram API Sharp library