This project has morphed into something wonderful, beyond the scope translating network packets into audio. This repository is archived, but the project lives on in a new place (see the link below).
Many thanks to those who followed and starred. Please be sure to follow the rpi-dragon repository for continued development of this idea.
A minimal python script to hoover up network traffic and spit it out the audio interface. Managing of Sockets, Printing and Audification are handled in separate threads.
Tested and working on Raspberry Pi v3 B+ (Raspbian Stretch and Buster), Debian v8-10, Kali.
Might work on Linux VMs.
Not compatible with MacOSX at the moment. Windows compatibility not tested.
Requirements: python3, pyaudio
install pyaudio on Debian systems using:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3-pyaudio portaudio19-dev
clone the repo:
$ git clone
Create a symlink for handy command line usage:
$ sudo ln -s /path/to/packet2audio/ /usr/local/bin/packet2audio
Run with:
$ sudo packet2audio -i <iface_name>
Print the helper:
packet2audio -h
Listen to WiFi traffic:
sudo packet2audio -i wlan0
Listen on more than one interface:
sudo packet2audio -i wlan0,eth0
Print to stdout the data written to the audio buffer with -p
('utf-8' decoded):
sudo packet2audio -i wlan0 -p
Colorize the stdout characters:
sudo packet2audio -i wlan0 -pC
by Phillip David Stearns
Code cobbled together from examples at:
A nice link illuminating protocol codes in linux: