Hybrid raytracing and filtering playground.
- A selection of forward raster, deferred raster, hybrid (G-Buffer) raytracing and forward raytracing pipelines
- Raytraced reflection, shadow and AO
- Single component SVGF filter
- Shadowed analytical area light (Heitz 18)
- Emissive mesh light
- 1 bounce GGX diffuse global illumination
- Surfel global illumination (EA SEED 18)
- Raytraced irradiance fields (McGuire 19)
- A-SVGF (Schied 18)
- Axis aligned shadow filter (Mehta 12)
- Anisotropic reflection filter (Liu 18)
Falcor 3.2
Clone Falcor. Place RaysRenderer inside a folder (any name) that is sibling to Falcor. Open the solution and build.