This sbt plugin simply wraps jslint4java which is a Java implementation of jslint.
You can format the jslint issues anyway you want.
Note: will only be published for sbt version >= 0.11.3.
In your project/plugins.sbt
, simply add the following line:
addSbtPlugin("com.github.philcali" % "sbt-jslint" % "0.1.3")
Then, include in your build:
seq(lintSettings: _*)
jslint # Runs jslint with the options specified in jslint-flags
jslint-list-flags # Lists all the available flags
jslint-with <flag-1> <flag-n> # Runs JSlint on inputed flags
jslint-explode # Throws a build error on first issue
jslint-outputs(for jslint) # Output sequence for lint results
jslint-console-output # Outputs jslint results to console
jslint-file-output # Outputs jslint results to a file
jslint-indent(for jslint) # Spaces
jslint-max-errors(for jslint) # Issue threshold
jslint-max-length(for jslint) # Column width for javascript file
jslint-predefs(for jslint) # List of predefined javascript globals
jslint-flags(for jslint) # All the other flags for jslint
jslint-initialize(for jslint) # Builds the JSLint processor
jslint-formatter(for jslint-console-output) # Format the results in sbt
jslint-formatter(for jslint-file-output) # Format the results to a file
target(for jslint-file-output) # Output file
unmanaged-sources(for jslint) # Js files to run jslint on
include-filter(for jslint) # Run jslint on these files
exclude-filter(for jslint) # Exclude these files
This plugin makes no assumptions about default flags, other than the ones listed as default on jslint:
LintKeys.indent in LintKeys.jslint := 4
LintKeys.maxErrors in LintKeys.jslint := 50
LintKeys.maxLength in LintKeys.jslint := None
LintKeys.flags in LintKeys.jslint := Nil
LintKeys.predefs in LintKeys.jslint := Nil
LintKeys.explode in LintKeys.jslint := false
Because there are so many lint flags, simply add the lint flag keys to
LintKeys.flags in (Compile, LintKeys.jslint) ++= Seq("browser", "on", "anon")
Use jslint-list-flags
to print out a list of available flags to be included:
> jslint-list-flags
anon If the space may be omitted in anonymous function declarations
bitwise If bitwise operators should be allowed
browser If the standard browser globals should be predefined
cap If upper case html should be allowed
continue If the continuation statement should be tolerated
css If css workarounds should be tolerated
debug If debugger statements should be allowed
devel If logging should be allowed (console, alert, etc.)
eqeq If == should be allowed
es5 If es5 syntax should be allowed
evil If eval should be allowed
forin If for in statements need not filter
fragment If html fragments should be allowed
newcap If constructor names capitalization is ignored
node If node.js globals should be predefined
nomen If names may have dangling _
on If html event handlers should be allowed
passfail If the scan should stop on first error
plusplus If increment/decrement should be allowed
properties If all property names must be declared with /*properties*/
regexp If the . should be allowed in regexp literals
rhino If the rhino environment globals should be predefined
sloppy If the 'use strict'; pragma is optional
sub If all forms of subscript notation are tolerated
undef If variables can be declared out of order
unparam If unused parameters should be tolerated
vars If multiple var statements per function should be allowed
white If sloppy whitespace is tolerated
widget If the yahoo widgets globals should be predefined
windows If ms windows-specific globals should be predefined
When working with jslint, you may initially want less flags as a
catch all, and get more specific as you work out the obvious issues, like
adding undef
for files that depend on jquery. This plugin supports this
work flow, with jslint-with <flag>
The jslint-with
input task auto-completes the available flag with tab.
Running jslint in this manner, will load your predefined flags in jslint-flags
and your newly defined flags.
This plugin also makes no assumption about how to integrate it in your build.
If you wish to apply jslint
to a specific configuration, then use
If you want jslint to be run with test, yet pulled for Compile
Something like that would look like this:
import sbtjslint.Plugin.LintKeys._
val settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = lintSettings ++ lintSettingsFor(Test) ++ Seq(
unmanagedSources in (Test, jslint) <<= unmanagedSources in (Compile, jslint),
compile in Test <<= (compile in Test).dependsOn(jslint)
The plugin has a setting to cause build errors if a javascript file does not
conform to desired standards (integration testing). The setting is aptly named
as it does just that, giving a line number, column number, and reason.
LintKeys.explode in (Compile, jslint) := true
Note: If there is a file output defined, the file will be written, regardless of the display in the terminal. This is necessary for external applications who read these logs.
The excellent jslint4java gives clients many ways to report the jslint results, and this plugin provides a simple way to add, change, or remove the predefined outputs. Currently, outputting the results to the console and to a file are defaults.
If you wish to only output to the console:
LintKeys.outputs in (Compile, LintKeys.jslint) ~= (_.take(1))
If you wish to only output to a file:
LintKeys.outputs in (Compile, LintKeys.jslint) ~= (_.drop(1))
A JSLintOutput
is simply a Scala function that takes a JSLintResults
it's input:
LintKeys.outputs in (Compile, LintKeys.jslint) <+= (streams) map { s =>
(results: JSLintResults) =>
results.foreach { result =>"%s took %d millis" format (result.getName, result.getDuration))
If you want to overwrite the console output:
import LintKeys._
jslintConsoleOutput in Compile <<= (streams, formatter in (Compile, jslintConsoleOutput)) map {
(s, f) =>
(results: JSLintResults) =>
Currently, jslint results are outputted to a sequence of defined outputs.
By default, the console uses the PlainFormatter
and the file output uses the
provided with the library, but these are configurable.
The plugin has an additional formatter called ShortFormatter
, that simply
displays the issue count rather than the details.
Changing the console formatter:
import LintKeys.{
jslint, formatter,
jslintConsoleOutput => consoleOut
formatter in (Compile, consoleOut) <<= (sourceDirectory in jslint) (ShortFormatter)
Changing the file formatter to match the console one:
import LintKeys._
formatter in (Compile, jslintFileOutput) <<= (formatter in (Compile, jslintConsoleOutput))
The plugin provides a simple function to create a custom formatter from scratch,
with the jslintFormat
LintKeys.formatter in (Compile, LintKeys.jslintConsoleOutput) := jslintFormat {
result =>
val ls = => "line %d: %s" format (i.getLine, i.getReason))