A collection of utilities for FastHTML projects
- ✨ Hot reload mode ✨ Automatically reloads modified modules without restarting the entire application.
- CLI to easily run apps in both development and production modes.
- Seamless integration of Tailwind CSS / DaisyUI without any boilerplate.
- Jupyter notebook extension to run FastHTML apps.
- Icon packs support: Heroicons, Ionicons, Phosphor, Lucide, FontAwesome, Bootstrap, and Boxicons.
pip install fh_utils
uv add fh_utils
::: {.callout-tip} If you don’t like to pip install, feel free to copy and paste the code! The project is structured to make copying and pasting easy. :::
uv sync
alias tom="uv run tom"
# List commands
# Run tests
tom test
# Publish pypi
tom publish
# Publish docs
tom publish-docs