phase4 0.9.17
released this
24 Jun 18:30
1774 commits
to master
since this release
- Changed Maven groupId to
- Updated to ph-commons 9.4.4
Dependencies required:
- ph-bc/ph-collection/ph-commons/ph-dao/ph-datetime/ph-jaxb/ph-json/ph-scopes/ph-security/ph-settings/ph-xml 9.4.4
- ph-xsds-xmldsig 2.3.0
- ph-http/ph-httpclient/ph-mail/ph-network/ph-servlet/ph-useragent/ph-web 9.3.0
- ph-oton-app/ph-oton-audit/ph-oton-html/ph-oton-security 8.2.5
- ph-css 6.2.3
- ph-masterdata/ph-tenancy 6.1.5
- peppol-commons/peppol-id/peppol-sbdh/peppol-smp-client 8.1.0
- peppol-bdve-peppol 5.3.0
- jakarta.mail 1.6.5
- jakarta.activation 1.2.2
- httpclient 4.5.12
- BouncyCastle 1.65
- WSS4J 2.2.5
- XMLSec 2.1.5