Facilitates execution of Yeoman generators via a container.
This image provides some special handling to ensure Yeoman generators can be executed inside a container, and an entrypoint that facilitates execution of the yo utility.
It does not contain any generators itself.
To create a new yeoman generator, create a Dockerfile like this:
FROM outrigger/yeoman
USER root
# For public generators know by npm:
RUN npm install --global --silent GENERATOR-NAME
USER yeoman
Then build the docker image:
docker build -t GENERATOR-NAME .
To run the generator in your created generator image, run:
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/generated {GENERATOR-IMAGE} {GENERATOR-NAME}
This will run yo GENERATOR-NAME
within the Docker container and will build the
project in the current directory.
You can directly use this generator and volume mount a working generator codebase into place with bind volumes.
version: "2.1"
# Opens the container with a BASH session and sets the working directory to
# the local of the volume-mounted generator code.
service: yo
working_dir: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-outrigger-drupal
entrypoint: ["/usr/bin/env"]
command: "bash"
# Run 'yo' inside the container.
# Usage: docker-compose run --rm yo
# docker-compose run --rm yo {GENERATOR-NAME}
image: outrigger/yeoman
// Required by Outrigger DNS setup.
network_mode: "bridge"
- .:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-{GENERATOR_NAME}
Note that in the docker run example we generate the project in ~/{PROJECT-NAME}, in the docker-compose example this can be overridden by setting a YO_PROJECT_DIRECTORY environment variable.
Now with that configuration, you have a pair of much simpler commands to install and run your in-development generator.
docker-compose run --rm cli npm install
docker-compose run --rm cli yo {GENERATOR-NAME}
Please email [email protected] with security concerns.