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This project was developed to monitor Seplos 280Ah DIY battery packs reliably and stably on a Raspberry Pi and to send the data via MQTT to a server. The program runs with Qt5 or Qt6 and uses an RS485-isolated USB transceiver for communication with the batteries.
Before starting the installation, ensure that your Raspberry Pi meets the following requirements:
- Raspberry Pi OS (tested on Raspberry Pi OS Lite, should also work on desktop versions)
- Qt5 or Qt6: Qt libraries for the graphical user interface on the PI only Qt5 works easily at this time with the open source version. Unter Windows or IOS both will work.
- RS485 isolated USB transceiver: For connecting to the Seplos batteries
- MQTT Broker: The program sends data via MQTT, so you need an MQTT broker (e.g., Mosquitto)
Install the necessary packages and dependencies on your Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools libqt5serialport5 libqt5serialport5-dev libmosquitto-dev mosquitto-clients qt5-default qtbase5-private-dev
on some system you need to replace qt5-default to qt5-qmake-bin
- **QtMqtt lib must be installed We need to find out what version is installed exactly.
dpkg -l qt5-default
dpkg -l | grep qt5-qmake-bin
in my case 5.11.3
install QtMqtt
git clone --branch v5.11.3 git://
cd qtmqtt
make install
- Clone the repository to your Raspberry Pi:
git clone
cd QtSeplosBms2Mqtt
- Build the program with qmake and make:
After successful compilation, the executable file will be created in the directory.
- MQTT Settings: create INI file:
The program uses an INI-based configuration. You need to edit the config.ini file to configure your specific settings. Die INI must be saved unter /etc/seplos/QtSeplosMqtt.ini. A sample is under src\QtSeplosMqtt_sample.ini
- MQTT Settings: Enter your MQTT server details:
- RS485 Settings: Configure the RS485 port:
or under windows..
Rs485Dev = COM12
Ensure that the specified port is correct and the transceiver is connected.
To run the program, use the following command:
The program will start collecting data from the Seplos batteries and sending it via MQTT. You can display the user interface on your Pi using a VNC tool.
- MQTT connection fails: Check the network connection and MQTT configuration.
- RS485 connection doesn't work: Ensure the correct port is configured and the transceiver is properly connected.
- Missing dependencies: Make sure all necessary packages are installed, particularly the Qt and MQTT libraries.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.