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Tensoflow hand detector

Illustration of tensorflow object detection framework on hand detection.


Setup environment by running


Install tensorflow dection framework by running:


Before running each of the scripts or starting jupyter run the following from the base folder.

source activate hand_detector
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:models/research/:models/research/slim

Download and process data

This example will be using the "EgoHands: A Dataset for Hands in Complex Egocentric Interactions" dataset.

Download the data by running:


Next start jupyter by jupyter notebook and go do the input directory. Run the following notebooks in order:

  1. input_data/ProcessEgoHands.ipynb to process the ego_hands dataset.
  2. input_data/ConvertToRecord.ipynb to convert the data to TFRecord file format.


Download pretrained model with:


Run locally

Run the training job locally with:

python models/research/object_detection/ \
  --logtostderr \
  --pipeline_config_path=config/ssd_inception_v2_hands_local.config \

Monitor the training with tensorboard by:

tensorboard --logdir=training_local/

I didn't run the evaluation because the COCOAPI has issues running on OSX.

Run on GCloud

Setup a project on Google Cloud as described at:

I named my project object-dectection, and the bucket hand-detection update these name in all the scrips if you are using different names.

Run the following to copy over all the files to gcloud:


Start the training job with:

gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training object_detection_`date +%s` \
   --runtime-version 1.8 \
   --job-dir=gs://hand-detection/train \
   --packages models/research/dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,models/research/slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz \
   --module-name object_detection.train \
   --region europe-west1 \
   --config config/cloud.yml \
   -- \
   --train_dir=gs://hand-detection/train \

You can monitor the training with:

gcloud auth application-default login
tensorboard --logdir=gs://hand-detection/

After training download the model with:

gsutil cp "gs://hand-detection/train/model.ckpt-${CHECKPOINT_NUMBER}.*" training_results/

Export the graph by running:

python models/research/object_detection/ \
    --input_type image_tensor \
    --pipeline_config_path config/ssd_inception_v2_hands_gcloud.config \
    --trained_checkpoint_prefix training_results/model.ckpt-${CHECKPOINT_NUMBER} \
    --output_directory exported_graphs


A notebook to test the results visually on test data is provided in TestResults.ipynb. A notebook that runs the model on a webcam stream in the notebook is provided in WebcamDetector.ipynb.

Next steps

Other datasets:

Other hand detection datasets that could potentially be used:

Other blogposts on object detection with the tensorflow framework:


Illustration of hand detection with tensorflow






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