Chronicle Coder support encoding and decoding numbers and byte data into readable Strings of tokens or words.
This library is
< 40 kB in size
encoding signed and unsigned 32-bit and 64-bit values as text using arbitrary characters as symbols.
encode unsigned 32-bit and 64-bit as short common english words (or any language if you provide a dictionary)
encoding of latitude / longitude as short sequences of letters/digits or words.
// create the coder using a builder
Coder coder = new CharCoderBuilder("0123456789").signed(true).build();
String text = coder.asString(myNumber);
long decoded = coder.parseLong(text);
// create a reused StringBuilder.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Create the coder with aliases
Coder coder = new CharCoderBuilder("0123456789ABCDEF")
.addAlias('a', 'A') // treat 'a' the same as 'A'
.addAlias('b', 'B')
.addAlias('c', 'C')
.addAlias('d', 'D')
.addAlias('e', 'E')
.addAlias('f', 'F')
.addAlias('O', '0') // treat '0' as an 'O'
.addAlias('o', '0')
.addAlias('l', '1') // treat 'l' as an '1'
.addAlias('L', '1')
// use a reusable StringBuilder to reduce garbage
coder.appendLong(sb, l);
assertEquals(l, coder.parseLong(sb));
Coder coder = new CharCoderBuilder("0123456789ABCDEF").build();
// append a latitude/longitude in degrees to a precision of 0.0001 nautical miles
coder.appendLatLon(sb, lat, lon, 1e-4);
Coder.LatLon latLon = coder.parseLatLon(sb);
// create a coder using just the first 2094 words of the dictionary. (1)
Coder coder = WordsCoderBuilder.fromFile("common-words.txt", 2094).build();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (long l : new long[]{
Long.MIN_VALUE, 0xFEDCBA9876543210L, -Long.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, -1,
0, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0x0123456789ABCDEFL, Long.MAX_VALUE}) {
coder.appendLong(sb, l);
assertEquals(l, coder.parseLong(sb));
System.out.println(Long.toHexString(l) + ": " + sb);
There are 2094 words of one or two syllables in the dictionary included. This will encode any 32-bit number with 3 words and 64-bit number with 6 words
Syllables in the dictionary were identified by a simple algorithm and are an estimate. |
The strings produced above are
8000000000000000: fedcba9876543210: 8000000000000001: ffffffff80000000: ffffffffffffffff: hot.fridge.dash.pride.dream.fold 0: able 1: act 7fffffff: price.greatly.gene 123456789abcdef: 7fffffffffffffff:
Coder coder = WordsCoderBuilder.fromFile("common-words.txt", 1936).build();
coder.appendLatLon(sb, lat, lon, 1e-4);
Coder.LatLon latLon = coder.parseLatLon(sb);
words |
approx distance |
2 |
6 km |
3 |
90 m |
4 |
1.5 m |
5 |
2.5 cm |
Each word add more resolution and locations which are close to each other have the same start or similar words. |
Coder coder = WordsCoderBuilder.fromFile("common-words.txt", 4096).build();
double precision = 1e-4;
System.out.println("london: " + coder.asStringForLatLon(51.5074, -0.1278, precision));
System.out.println("paris: " + coder.asStringForLatLon(48.8566, 2.3522, precision));
System.out.println("new york: " + coder.asStringForLatLon(40.7128, -74.0060, precision));
System.out.println("melbourne: " + coder.asStringForLatLon(-37.8136, 144.9631, precision));
london: shed.our.thanks.flame paris: ear.looked.resort.towel new york: occur.mean.pray.announced melbourne: slightly.saturn.dancer.connected
While a much larger dictionary gets a better resolution with just 3 words, this has the downside of using longer, less common words. Using a smaller dictionary of shorter, common words, you can get a comparable accuracy using 4 words, but less syllables in total.
London as |
latitude, longitude |
Google maps |
location |
shed.our.thanks.flame |
51.5080,-0.1306 |
Trafalgar Square |
shed.our.thanks |
51.5077,-0.1311 |
Pall Mall |
shed.our |
51.5259,-0.1318 |
Fitzrovia |
shed |
52.0313,-2.8125 |
The Saffrons, Wales |