- RegexOne: Learn Regular Expressions with simple, interactive exercises.
- Regexr: Visualize Regular Expressions
- bootsnipp: Bootstrap element gallery
- lodash: JavaScript utility library
Data Visualization resources from "Story Telling with Data"
- Eager Eyes (Robert Kosara): Thoughtful content on data visualization and visual storytelling.
- FiveThirtyEight’s Data Lab (various authors): I like their typically minimalist graphing style on a large range of news and current events topics.
- Flowing Data (Nathan Yau): Membership gets you premium content, but there are a lot of great free examples of data visualization as well.248 final thoughts
- The Functional Art (Alberto Cairo): An introduction to information graphics and visualization, with great concise posts highlighting advice and examples.
- The Guardian Data Blog (various authors): News‐related data, often with accompanying article and visualizations, by the British news outlet.
- HelpMeViz (Jon Schwabish): “Helping people with everyday visualizations,” this site allows you to submit a visual to receive feedback from readers or scan the archives for examples and corresponding conversations.
- Junk Charts (Kaiser Fung): By self‐proclaimed “web’s first data viz critic,” focuses on what makes graphics work and how to make them better.
- Make a Powerful Point (Gavin McMahon): Fun, easy‐to‐digest content on creating and giving presentations and presenting data.
- Perceptual Edge (Stephen Few): No‐ nonsense content on data visualization for sensemaking and communication.
- Visualising Data (Andy Kirk): Charts the development of the data visualization field, with great monthly “best visualisations of the web” resource list.
- VizWiz (Andy Kriebel): Data visualization best practices, methods for improving existing work, and tips and tricks for using Tableau Software.
- Storytelling with Data (Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic): Knaflic's blog focuses on communicating effectively with data and contains many examples, visual makeovers, and ongoing dialogue.