oddgen is a SQL Developer extension to invoke dictionary-driven code generators. Dictionary-driven means that the predominant part of a model is stored in an Oracle data dictionary or in other related relational tables. Generators written in PL/SQL are discovered after connecting to a database and presented in a navigator tree. The oddgen generator interface is designed to hide the complexity from the user and to support generation of any target code in just a few mouse clicks.
See https://www.oddgen.org/ for more information about the product.
Binary releases are published here.
Please file your bug reports, enhancement requests, questions and other support requests within Github's issue tracker Issues. The following links should help you to find similar issues:
- Describe your idea by submitting an issue
- Fork the oddgen respository
- Create a branch, commit and publish your changes and enhancements
- Create a pull request
- Download and install SQL Developer 4.1.x
- Download and install Apache Maven 3.1.x
- Clone the oddgen repository
- Open a terminal window in the oddgen root folder and type
cd sqldev
- Run maven build by the following command
mvn -Dsqldev.basedir=/Applications/SQLDeveloper4.1.3.app/Contents/Resources/sqldeveloper -DskipTests=true clean package
- Amend the parameter sqldev.basedir to match the path of your SQL Developer installation. This folder is used to reference various Oracle jar files which are not available in public Maven repositories - The resulting file oddgen_for_SQLDev_x.x.x-SNAPSHOT.zip may be installed within SQL Developer
oddgen is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.