Cordova plugin to interface with NLSCAN barcode scanners (on Android) This is a cordova plugin for U9000 - Newland 2DEM3090.
This plugin follows the Cordova 3.0+ plugin spec, so it can be installed through the Cordova CLI in your existing Cordova project:
cordova plugin add
This plugin is also available on npm if you are using Cordova 5.0+:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-nlbarcodescanner
console.log( "register didShow received!" );
var listener = function( e ) {
//log: didShow received! userInfo: {"data":"test"}
console.log( "didShow received! userInfo: " + JSON.stringify(e) );
window.broadcaster.addEventListener( "didShow", listener); console.log( "register didShow received!" );
Aftere install BarcodeScanner plugin,you can use the following JS API to get scanning result or change scanner setting.