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Petteri Karttunen edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 15 revisions


  • Liferay 7.2 upgrade
  • New React based search portlet


  • REST API available
  • Core API redesign to better support headless use cases.
  • Filters default configuration fix (in installing from scratch you had to save the filter settings once before it worked)


  • New build with core version 6.1 available ("2019-02-06"). Find them for 7.0 and 7.1 here.
  • Facet translator api is now called Facet processor and extends the concept of facets so that by implementing your custom processor you can build composite facets of any kind.
  • Static asset type menu filter was removed from UI. Asset types as facets offer more flexibility
  • Asset type configuration is now static filters configuration where you can put any kind of pre filters, not only asset types.


  • Added custom Elasticsearch adapters for 7.0 and 7.1 CE and DXP versions. Find them here


  • Core version 6.0.0
  • Backports for 7.0 SP8 and SP9 available (see binaries folder and 7.0 branch)
  • New default configurations for all modules with examples
  • Configurable post filtering support for facets.
  • Support for creating a facet filter from a asset vocabulary
  • Fixed duplicated hightlight fields definition
  • Configurable highlight fragments and snippets size
  • Moved everything localization related to the UI modules
  • Componented Param and Filter handlers to be more flexible
  • Support for FieldValueFactor function score query
  • Configurable view in context -setting
  • Configurable addition of redirect parameter
  • New contents suggestion mode for mini web
  • Finnish localization
  • New strip layout for More Like This portlet
  • Possibility to define a static entryClasspk for More Like This portlet
  • New additional fields module for indexing version counts to be used or boosting
  • Implemented geolocation module location information caching to reduce usage of service quota
  • New better configurable item highlighter module replacing the old tag highlighter
  • Thumbnail result layout zoom "preview" on image hover.
  • Possibility to configure word filter for keyword suggestions to be indexed.


  • Streamlined custom Elasticsearch adapter installation: no more flooding to log
  • Configuration modularization. Added a possibility to override facets, query and assettypes configuration from client calling the core
  • New default item builder. Now support for most asset types can added just by adding a configuration entry without a need to write a new result item builder.
  • More query type specific configuration options
  • New, extensible query condition rule support. In the first phase there's support for keyword matches and Audience Targeting segment conditions.
  • New content suggestions mode for Mini web portlet
  • Added more configuration options for More Like This portlet
  • New Audience Targeting integration. Now it's possible to use just the user segmenting as query conditions.
  • Changed configuration syntax more Elasticsearch configuration like.
  • Default configurations with examples are now set automatically on new install. Copying configuration files is not more needed


  • Audience Targeting query contributor for 7.1 now available


  • New More Like This portlet using Elasticsearch MLT query. Google Maps result view. New facet selections bar.



  • Custom adapter for Elasticsearch 6.1.3 on DXP 7.1 is now available.


  • Added custom Elasticsearch 6.1.3 adapter for DXP 7.1 GA1 fixpack 2
  • Fixed analyzer setting for custom suggesters


  • Custom Elasticsearch 6.1.3 adapter for 7.1 now available


  • Upgrade to DXP 7.1. Some plugins missing because of still missing platform upgrades
  • Lots of UI optimization
  • Fixed configurationPid typos


  • Fixed configuration sample typo preventing suggester to work


  • Optimized search results rendering.

2018-03-24, Version 2.1.0

  • Major update
  • Configuration syntax changes and documentation improvements (see below "Configuration")
  • Support to filter with multiple values on the same facet
  • Minor CSS fixes

Important installation notes

Because of the configuration syntax you have to update the configuration file or check the changes detail in the documentation below.

This version is tested to work with DXP, Service Packs 6 and 7. This doesn't work on CE GA5 because of the kernel version requirement.


  • Added Geolocation query contributor and indexer post processor for that. With these modules you can increase the relevancy for document geographically closer to you.


Major API changes and streamlining. Added new interfaces to significantly ease extending and customizing this solution to your needs.

  • Added QueryContributor service interface. With this service you can easily add any custom clauses, or in Google terms "signals" to the main query to improve relevancy. Audience Targeting module is using this as of now.
  • Added ResultItemProcessor service interface. With this you can process result items before they are sent to the user interface. See the gsearch-hightlight-item-by-tag sample.
  • Created new QueryPostProcessor service interface. QueryIndexer and QuerySuggester processors are there by default but you can add your custom processors by creating a new module and creating a service component for the interface.
  • Added ResultItemBuilder service interface if you need to create result item parsers for not out of the box supported asset types (or override the existing ones).
  • Added ClauseBuilder service interface. With this you can create implementations for not out of the box supported query types or override the existing ones.
  • Splitted the bloated core configuration to the relevant module configurations

See more instructions for these new interfaces below in this document.

Important notes

  • Notice that the main configuration file name has been changed. Deploy the new one and remove the old one to avoid confusion.


  • Added result item highlighter API and implementation example. This service allows to highlight result items based on your criteria. Example implementation highlights result items matching a configured tag.
  • Added possibility to show result item tags
  • Improved facet configuration. Now UI and configuration are completely sync. UI customization is not more needed when new facets are added through JSON configuration.
  • Added possibility to use a journal article as the help text (in configuration).
  • Audience targeting module configuration moved to the module itself.
  • Added possibility to set query keywords directly in the query configuration. With this feature you can for example configure a subquery to always try to match a certain tag and boost documents matching it.


  • Added POC kind of support for Knowledge Base Articles


  • Scroll page to top on pagination event
  • Trigger search instantly on suggestion selection


  • Made custom querySuggestion mapping automatic on custom adapter installation
  • Made custom adapter to stop standard adapter automatically
  • Accepted pull request on case insensitive property handling


  • Validated CE support.
  • Added Minisearch portlet for embedding a searchfield into a theme.
  • Added a test theme for Minisearch portlet.
  • Changed searchfield configuration into a more flexible query configuration. Now the main query can be constructed of multiple queries.
  • Bugs fixed:
  • Custom ES adapter adding fields twice into QueryStringQuery
  • Query suggester splitting suggestions into a comma separated list


  • Removed Audience Targeting requirement and put the functionality in its' own module.


  • Keywords suggester / autocomplete refactoring:
    • UI component changed from Metal.js to Devbridge Autocomplete
    • Suggester configuration changed to a JSON string
    • Switched to aggregate suggester by default now
    • Added configuration for the completion type suggest field
    • Added custom analyzers and filters for the query suggesters in the index-settings.json (see custom Elasticsearch Adapter project)
    • As index field mapping for title, description and content doesn't use asciifolding filter and doesn't recognize accent characters, modified analyzers for these fields to use asciifolding filter in liferay-type-mappings.json (see custom Elasticsearch Adapter project)