Flow is a self-compiling compiler for a subset of the C programming language.
- Statements.
- If statements.
- While loops.
- For loops.
- Functions.
- Functions params.
- Functions arguments.
- Types.
- Pointers.
- Global variables.
- Local variables.
- Arrays.
- Char string literals.
- structs.
- Unions.
- Enums and typedefs.
- Preprocessor.
- Break-continue
- Switch.
- Else.
- Var initialization.
- Local var initialization.
- All operations.
- Void functions.
- Sizeof.
- Static.
- Ternary.
- Local arrays.
- Pointer increments.
- Compile itself.
make flow
to create the compiler../flow file1
to use the compiler.make test
to execute tests.make clean
to clean up everything.
- Change code generator from AT&T to Intel Syntax.
- Create my own x86-64 Assembly compiler.31.