- Bind your keybindings to vim and nvim at the same time (with nvim additional features like keymap description)
- Define keygroups for better configuration organization and integration with which-key.nvim
- Export your custom keybindings to csv or table with vim-table-mode and share it with community friends
Let's imagine what you like me use your nvim for local development and classic vim 8 or 9 for remote machines setup. So maybe you will have something like what in your .vimrc
let s:nvim = has('nvim')
if s:nvim
call nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>rf', ':TestFile<CR>', {'silent': v:true, 'desc': 'Run current test file'})
nmap <silent> <leader>rf :TestFile<CR>
Now with u-keymapper all you have to do is:
" map command
" if vim: native `nmap`-like commands will be called
" if neovim: nvim_set_keymap function will be called with additional nvim-only options
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rf :TestFile<CR> "Run current test file"
via vim-plug like tools:
Plug 'pechorin/u-keymapper.vim'
after this before any KeyMap call:
call u_keymapper#init()
" now define your mappings with KeyMap command
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rf :TestFile<CR> "Run current test file"
Define keymappings inside keygroups block, all mappings will have according group.
This group used for:
- exporting to csv/table
- which-key.nvim key group name
" mapping without group
KeyMap nnoremap <Leader>co :copen<CR> "Show quickfix"
" `Test runners` keygroup will be assigned to all mappings inside KeyMapGroup
" <leader>r is prefix for all commands in group
KeyMapGroup <leader>r "Tests runners"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rf :TestFile<CR> "Test file"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rd :TestFile -f d<CR> "Test file -f d"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rn :TestNearest<CR> "Test nearest"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rs :TestSuite<CR> "Test suite"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rl :TestLast<CR> "Test last"
" Group definition without command prefix
KeyMapGroup "Navigation"
KeyMap nmap <leader>et :Tagbar<CR> "Tagbar"
KeyMap nmap <leader>n :NERDTree<CR> "NERDTree for project"
KeyMap nmap <leader>N :NERDTree %<CR> "NERDTree for current file"
After definitions keygroups with prefix (like <leader>r
) will be registered in which-key.nvim.
Execute :KeyMapExportToTable
command in buffer and you will get result like this:
mode | key | command | description | group |
c | <C-A> |
Bash-like CTRL+A for command line | Bash-like keys for cmd | |
c | <C-E> |
Bash-like CTRL+E for command line | Bash-like keys for cmd | |
c | <C-K> |
Bash-like CTRL+K for command line | Bash-like keys for cmd | |
x | ga |
(EasyAlign) | Align in visual mode (e.g. vipga ) |
Text manipulation |
n | ga |
(EasyAlign) | Align for a motion/text object (e.g. gaip ) |
Text manipulation |
n | <leader>et |
:Tagbar | Tagbar | Navigation |
n | <leader>n |
:NERDTree | NERDTree for project | Navigation |
n | <leader>N |
:NERDTree % | NERDTree for current file | Navigation |
n | <leader>m |
:Neotree | Neotree | Navigation |
n | <leader>M |
:Neotree % | Neotree for current file | Navigation |
n | <leader>, |
:Neotree buffers | Neotree buffers | Navigation |
n | <leader>. |
:Neotree float git_status | Neotree git | Navigation |
n | <leader>t |
:tabnew | Create new tab | Navigation |
n | <cmd>t |
:tabnew | Create new tab | Navigation |
n | <C-ScrollWheelUp> |
:tabnext | ctrl+mousewheel for tab switching | Navigation |
n | <C-ScrollWheelDown> |
:tabprevious | ctrl+mousewheel for tab switching | Navigation |
n,v,o | <leader>x |
bp|bd# | Kill current buffer | Navigation |
n | <C-LeftMouse> |
:AnyJump | Run AnyJump on ctrl+click | Navigation |
n | <leader>c |
CommentaryLine | Comment current line | Commenting |
v | <leader>c |
Commentary | Comment visualy selected text | Commenting |
n | <leader>b |
:Buffers | FZF Buffers | FZF navigation |
n | <leader>q |
:Files | FZF Project files | FZF navigation |
n | <leader>ev |
:Color | FZF Color themes | Vim manipulations |
n | <leader>ee |
:so % | (vimrc) Eval current file as vimscript | Vim manipulations |
n | <leader>ev |
:e ~/.vimrc | (vimrc) Open $MYVIMRC in current buffer | Vim manipulations |
n | <leader>gg |
:Git | Open Git | Git Mappings |
n | <leader>gb |
:Git blame | Git blame for file | Git Mappings |
n,v,o | <Leader>y |
"*y | Copy to system clipboard | OSX clipboard |
n,v,o | <Leader>p |
"*p | Paste from system clipboard | OSX clipboard |
n,v,o | <Leader>Y |
"+y | Copy to editor clipboard | OSX clipboard |
n,v,o | <Leader>P |
"+p | Paste from editor clipboard | OSX clipboard |
n | <leader>rf |
:TestFile | Test file | Tests runners |
n | <leader>rd |
:TestFile -f d | Test file -f d | Tests runners |
n | <leader>rn |
:TestNearest | Test nearest | Tests runners |
n | <leader>rs |
:TestSuite | Test suite | Tests runners |
n | <leader>rl |
:TestLast | Test last | Tests runners |
v | // |
y/\V=escape(@",'/') | Search visual selected text via // | |
n | <Leader>co |
:copen | Show quickfix | |
n | <Leader>cc |
:cclose | Hide quickfix |
Execute :KeyMapExportToCSV
command in buffer and you will get result like this:
mode; key; command; description; group
c; `<C-A>`; <Home>; Bash-like CTRL+A for command line; Bash-like keys for cmd
c; `<C-E>`; <End> ; Bash-like CTRL+E for command line; Bash-like keys for cmd
c; `<C-K>`; <C-U> ; Bash-like CTRL+K for command line; Bash-like keys for cmd
x; `ga`; <Plug>(EasyAlign); Align in visual mode (e.g. `vipga`); Text manipulation
n; `ga`; <Plug>(EasyAlign); Align for a motion/text object (e.g. `gaip`); Text manipulation
n; `<leader>et`; :Tagbar<CR>; Tagbar; Navigation
n; `<leader>n`; :NERDTree<CR>; NERDTree for project; Navigation
n; `<leader>N`; :NERDTree %<CR>; NERDTree for current file; Navigation
n; `<leader>m`; :Neotree<CR>; Neotree; Navigation
n; `<leader>M`; :Neotree %<CR>; Neotree for current file; Navigation
n; `<leader>,`; :Neotree buffers<CR>; Neotree buffers; Navigation
n; `<leader>.`; :Neotree float git_status<CR>; Neotree git; Navigation
n; `<leader>t`; :tabnew<CR>; Create new tab; Navigation
n; `<cmd>t`; :tabnew<CR>; Create new tab; Navigation
n; `<C-ScrollWheelUp>`; :tabnext<CR>; ctrl+mousewheel for tab switching; Navigation
n; `<C-ScrollWheelDown>`; :tabprevious<CR>; ctrl+mousewheel for tab switching; Navigation
n,v,o; `<leader>x`; <cmd>bp\|bd#<CR>; Kill current buffer; Navigation
n; `<C-LeftMouse>`; :AnyJump<CR>; Run AnyJump on ctrl+click; Navigation
n; `<leader>c`; <Plug>CommentaryLine; Comment current line; Commenting
v; `<leader>c`; <Plug>Commentary; Comment visualy selected text; Commenting
n; `<leader>b`; :Buffers<CR>; FZF Buffers; FZF navigation
n; `<leader>q`; :Files<CR>; FZF Project files; FZF navigation
n; `<leader>ev`; :Color <CR>; FZF Color themes; Vim manipulations
n; `<leader>ee`; :so %<CR>; (vimrc) Eval current file as vimscript; Vim manipulations
n; `<leader>ev`; :e ~/.vimrc <CR>; (vimrc) Open $MYVIMRC in current buffer; Vim manipulations
n; `<leader>gg`; :Git<CR>; Open Git; Git Mappings
n; `<leader>gb`; :Git blame<CR>; Git blame for file; Git Mappings
n,v,o; `<Leader>y`; "*y; Copy to system clipboard; OSX clipboard
n,v,o; `<Leader>p`; "*p; Paste from system clipboard; OSX clipboard
n,v,o; `<Leader>Y`; "+y; Copy to editor clipboard; OSX clipboard
n,v,o; `<Leader>P`; "+p; Paste from editor clipboard; OSX clipboard
n; `<leader>rf`; :TestFile<CR>; Test file; Tests runners
n; `<leader>rd`; :TestFile -f d<CR>; Test file -f d; Tests runners
n; `<leader>rn`; :TestNearest<CR>; Test nearest; Tests runners
n; `<leader>rs`; :TestSuite<CR>; Test suite; Tests runners
n; `<leader>rl`; :TestLast<CR>; Test last; Tests runners
v; `//`; y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>; Search visual selected text via //;
n; `<Leader>co`; :copen<CR>; Show quickfix;
n; `<Leader>cc`; :cclose<CR>; Hide quickfix;
This is my mapping from my vim-files:
call u_keymapper#init()
let mapleader=","
KeyMapGroup "Bash-like keys for cmd"
KeyMap cnoremap <C-A> <Home> "Bash-like CTRL+A for command line"
KeyMap cnoremap <C-E> <End> "Bash-like CTRL+E for command line"
KeyMap cnoremap <C-K> <C-U> "Bash-like CTRL+K for command line"
KeyMapGroup "Text manipulation"
KeyMap xmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign) "Align in visual mode (e.g. `vipga`)"
KeyMap nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign) "Align for a motion/text object (e.g. `gaip`)"
KeyMapGroup "Navigation"
KeyMap nmap <leader>et :Tagbar<CR> "Tagbar"
KeyMap nmap <leader>n :NERDTree<CR> "NERDTree for project"
KeyMap nmap <leader>N :NERDTree %<CR> "NERDTree for current file"
" Tabs
KeyMap nmap <leader>t :tabnew<CR> "Create new tab"
" ctrl+mousewheel for tab switching
KeyMap nnoremap <C-ScrollWheelUp> :tabnext<CR> "ctrl+mousewheel for tab switching"
KeyMap nnoremap <C-ScrollWheelDown> :tabprevious<CR> "ctrl+mousewheel for tab switching"
" run AnyJump on ctrl+click
KeyMap nnoremap <C-LeftMouse> :AnyJump<CR> "Run AnyJump on ctrl+click"
KeyMapGroup "Commenting"
KeyMap nmap <leader>c <Plug>CommentaryLine "Comment current line"
KeyMap vmap <leader>c <Plug>Commentary "Comment visualy selected text"
KeyMapGroup "FZF navigation"
KeyMap nmap <leader>b :Buffers<CR> "FZF Buffers"
KeyMap nmap <leader>q :Files<CR> "FZF Project files"
" eval current vimscrupt buffer
KeyMapGroup <leader>e "Vim manipulations"
KeyMap nmap <leader>ev :Color <CR> "FZF Color themes"
KeyMap nmap <leader>ee :so %<CR> "(vimrc) Eval current file as vimscript"
KeyMap nmap <leader>ev :e ~/.vimrc <CR> "(vimrc) Open $MYVIMRC in current buffer"
KeyMapGroup <leader>g "Git Mappings"
KeyMap nmap <leader>gg :Git<CR> "Open Git"
KeyMap nmap <leader>gb :Git blame<CR> "Git blame for file"
KeyMapGroup "OSX clipboard"
KeyMap noremap <Leader>y "*y 'Copy to system clipboard'
KeyMap noremap <Leader>p "*p 'Paste from system clipboard'
KeyMap noremap <Leader>Y "+y 'Copy to editor clipboard'
KeyMap noremap <Leader>P "+p 'Paste from editor clipboard'
KeyMapGroup <leader>r "Tests runners"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rf :TestFile<CR> "Test file"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rd :TestFile -f d<CR> "Test file -f d"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rn :TestNearest<CR> "Test nearest"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rs :TestSuite<CR> "Test suite"
KeyMap nmap <silent> <leader>rl :TestLast<CR> "Test last"
" from: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Search_for_visually_selected_text
KeyMap vnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR> "Search visual selected text via //"
" Show the quickfix window
KeyMap nnoremap <Leader>co :copen<CR> "Show quickfix"
" Hide the quickfix window
KeyMap nnoremap <Leader>cc :cclose<CR> "Hide quickfix"
- rewrite readme
- alternative KeyMap command name via option?