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RHOK Involvement
Title: Peace Corps Medical Supplies
Goal: Single Channel for Peace Corp Volunteers to make requests for personal medical supplies
Peace Corps Reference: http://innovationchallenge.peacecorps.gov/FPS/medicalsupplies/
Web Domain: http://www.pcmedlink.org/
Road Map: https://github.com/atlrug-rhok/medlink/wiki/Roadmap
Problem Page: http://www.rhok.org/problems/simple-peace-corps-medical-supplies-order-form
Solution Page: http://www.rhok.org/solutions/simple-peace-corps-medical-supplies-order-form
Presentation Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/jasnow/medical-supplies-pres
DC Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmvUiioVZlcsdDlCNUlyZ3RrMUV3eTdFSXdxXzZKbHc&usp=sharing
Presentations Video (timestamps: 37:15 to 43:47): http://www.ustream.tv/channel/atlanta-national-day-of-civic-hacking-team-demos
Article on Event: http://ventureatlanta.org/2013/06/national-day-of-civic-hacking-the-atlanta-edition
Pictures from Event: https://plus.google.com/photos/108940396988107668127/albums/5886479943288283249
- James Dabbs - Data Model - http://github.com/jamesdabbs
- Jonathan Howard - Data Model - @hovverd, http://veniaveneficus.com
- Nate Tate - Front End User Management http://github.com/natomato
- John Petitte - Front End User Management - http://github.com/jpettite
- John Croft - SMS/ Twilo - @jjcroftiv
- Jack Croft- SMS/ Twilo
- Clint Lee - SMS/ Twilo - @clintslee
- Jake Swanson - Front End/ Heroku Deployment
- Gordon Macie - Front End - Supply Management - @gmacie
- Luke Reimer - Front End - Supply Management - http://github.com/zugunzug
- Al Snow - Coordination & Presentation - http://railsUpToDate.com
- Patrick Stoica - Angular/Front-end - http://patrickstoica.com - Anular
- Kate Godwin - UI/UX - http://kategodwin.com
- Drew Pak - UI/UX - http://drewpak.com
- Diane Deseta - UX Strategy -http://www.uxmentors.com
- Patrick Choquette - Peace Corps Contact/Sponsor
- Danel Trisi and Jeffery Rhodes - Both former Peace Corps Volunteers who now work as staff here at HQ. They are the authors of the problem statement and just finished up a huge research project on this exact issue.
- Caitlin Bauer - Current Peace Corps Volunteer in Ghana that proposed a very similar challenge.
Post-RHOK Articles
- :pcrid
- :location
- :phone (optional)
- :shortcode
- :quantity
- :dosage
- :address (optional)
- RHOK 2013 Pre-Meeting (Yes, May 23, 2013)
- Main RHOK Event (June 1-2, 2013)
- Slides
- Team Google Group web address: https://groups.google.com/group/atlrug-rhok
- Email to Google Group: [email protected]
- Team Github Repo: https://github.com/atlrug-rhok
- Team Practice projects:
- https://github.com/jasnow/Practice-Git-with-Rails.git
- https://github.com/atlrug-rhok/medlink
- Challenges:
- Offical List: http://www.hackforchange.org/challenges
- RHOK 2013/Facebook
- http://www.rhok.org/problems/better-atlanta-portal-centralized-resource-tools-appswebsites-topicgeography
- http://www.rhok.org/problems/create-gardens-and-small-farms-under-and-un-utilized-tracts-land-atlanta
- http://www.rhok.org/problems/georgia-department-education-college-and-career-ready-performance-index-app
- http://www.rhok.org/problems/medshare-international-mobile-app
- http://www.rhok.org/problems/microenter-tool-helping-jump-start-microenterprises
- http://www.rhok.org/problems/peace-corps-matchmap
- http://www.rhok.org/problems/managing-inventory-sms
- UPDATE EMAIL (5/24/2013):
- Uploaded 5/23/2013 PREP Meeting slides to SlideShare. Then added link to our RHOK wiki page
- Added our two "practice" repos to our RHOK wiki page.
- Created Google Group and Github repo and added/invited folks. Then added links to our RHOK wiki page.
- Please REMEMBER to register on the Atlanta RHOK web site.
- Here is more info on the "Free Code School Weekend (May 25-26, 2013)".
Specific Ideas
- AroundMe: http://innovationchallenge.peacecorps.gov/FPS/aroundme/
- Nextbus: Create a Rails app for Atlanta based http://www.sflivebus.com concept - based on Nextbus (mashup/data vis)
- 4/17/2013: Found reference to sflivebus.com app in Hacker News.
- Comment Thread on Meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/atlantaruby/events/114649172/?_af_eid=114649172&a=uc1_vm&_af=event
- "I did it, but the nextBus data for GaTech and Georgia state is gone(Georgia College is still there). I ended up using MARTA's data instead. I wasn't able to make it out to either event though, finals are coming up. :/"
- https://github.com/shefHauwanga/MARTA-bus-tracker (PHP App)
- Set up Rails Env
- Speed GIt Workflow (Catch and Release)
- Rails 4 Dead Code: Create a command which identifies code from previous releases of Rails in a Rails 4 project.
- Work on ATLRUG4 web site 4.-List-of-External-Ways-to-Giveback.md.
- https://openhatch.org/search/?q=&language=Ruby
- https://openhatch.org/
- https://github.com/spaceappsatlanta
- http://spaceappsatlanta.github.io (used http://middlemanapp.com)
- http://govathon.com: Govathon 2013 Projects (Another Atlanta Hackathon)
- http://contribhub.co
- http://24pullrequests.com
- http://www.opensourcerails.com
- http://techcrunch.com/2013/05/30/the-riches-of-civic-capitalism
- https://sites.google.com/site/rhokatl2012projects
- Created 5/29/2013: ALL KNOWN REPOS from RHOK 2012: https://github.com/rhok-atl-2012
- https://sites.google.com/site/helpopensourceprojects/home/rhok-atlanta-2011
- https://sites.google.com/site/railsstacktop10for
- https://sites.google.com/site/helpopensourceprojects
- https://sites.google.com/site/atlantarubyusergroup/home/web-site/development/email---giveback-web-site-update---5-5-2013
- https://sites.google.com/site/atlantarubyusergroup/home/web-site/development/email---5-9-2013