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Transmit GPS and other information with LoRa


Summary and Status

The code is in an alpha stage. It is working but not extensively tested.

There are two main parts, a "sensor system" and a "base station". The eventual configuration envisages a large number of sensor systems (e.g. a large fleet of small boats) while there would be only one or a few base stations. In that configuration the sensor systems would be headless and without a consistent network connection and the base station(s) could have monitors or be headless with a network connection. There are many applications that might use a similar setup.

In development and for installation both systems will need a monitor or network access with ssh.

The main special requirements of the hardware are that the sensor systems need a GPS unit and both the sensor systems and the base station need a LoRa module. More details of the hardware used in development are provided in a section below.

The code is Python 3. The main programs, LoRaGPS_sensor and LoRaGPS_base, use SX127x from pySX127x. Following is a brief decription of files in the project.

  • LoRaGPS_sensor - transmit message over LoRa (not LoRaWAN). Status: working alpha version (on Raspberry Pi Zero W).

  • LoRaGPS_base - receive message over LoRa. Status: working alpha version (on Raspberry Pi 3Bv1.2).

  • lib/ - Not real AIS! Utilities for converting LoRa broadcast of GPS
    information into AIS messages to feed into OpenCPN. Status: working but possible precision problem with lon and lat.

  • - For testing sending of data to OpenCPN. Establish UDP multicast group and send some (AIS) messages on thet IFACE/PORT. Status: working.

  • - For testing UDP multicast from and LoRaGPS_base. Wait for UDP multicasts and print them. Status: working.

  • track2gpx - Utility to convert recorded tracks to gpx format.

  • HOSTNAME_MMSIs.json.example - Example HOSTNAME_MMSIs.json file.

  • TRACK.json.example - Example TRACK.json file.

The unit testing for is run by python3 lib/

Examples of starting the base station are

   python3 LoRaGPS_base                # use default settings
  ./LoRaGPS_base                       #file needs execute permission
  ./LoRaGPS_base --channel='CH_00_900' # set channel

Examples of starting the sensor system are

  python3 LoRaGPS_sensor                 # use default settings
  ./LoRaGPS_sensor                       #file needs execute permission
  ./LoRaGPS_sensor --channel='CH_00_900' # set channel

The programs could be started in locations other than the program directory (./) but beware that the base station will look for some files in the directory where it is started. (See more below.)

If the sensor system is to move in a way that the shell will disconnect, for example, if the session starting LoRaGPS_sensor is by ssh over wifi and the sensor system will be move out of wifi range, then try starting with nohup, for example

  nohup  ./LoRaGPS_sensor --quiet=True  --report=15.0 &

and note the pid to stop it with

  kill pid 

LoRaGPS Software Notes

Both LoRaGPS_sensor and LoRaGPS_base take command line arguments to set the frequency, bandwidth, coding rate, and spreading factor. Use the --help argument for more details. There are trade offs among competing objectives: distance, date rate, data reliability, channel congestion, battery life ... . These are affected by the various settings. The best is difficult to determined and will depend on the application. For more information, see for example: exploratory engineering and Mark Zachmann blog

Pseudo AIS and OpenCPN Notes

The LoRaGPS_sensor reads NMEA from the GPS, decodes location messages, and transmits the location data, time stamp, and an identifier (hostname) over LoRa. The LoRaGPS_base receives the messages and constructs a pseudo AIS message that is output over the local network and is good enough that it can be input into OpenCPN. Do NOT broadcast this over VHF radio, it is not real AIS and would confuse true AIS receivers.

To view in OpenCPN go to tools>connections and add UDP network connection using the multicast group (default '') as the network address and the port (default 65433) Then 'enable' and 'apply'. (Note that the multicast group(s) take the place of a host IP address.)

The group and port can be set as command line arguments to LoRaGPS_base. If mcast_group is set to "NA" then AIS output is turned off.

If AIS output is not turned off then a file HOSTNAME_MMSIs.json will be read from the local directory. If this file does not exist then the code will fail. This file must give a json dict of the hostname to mmsi mapping, for example

 "mqtt1": 316456789 , 
 "BT-1" : 338654321

One important reason NOT to broadcast the pseudo AIS over VHF radio is that these MMSI need not be legitimate. These are only used locally to identify the sensor systems (which may be on boats but do not have registered MMSI identifiers). The first three digits of the MMSI is a MID country code (in the message type used). This can be used to get OpenCPN to indicate a country flag (316 is Canada, 338 is USA).

The utility may be useful for testing the OpenCPN setup, and the utility is for testing the ais-fake-tx-udp.pysetup.

Tracking and GPX Notes

When LoRaGPS_base receives a messages it can record it in files in the subdirectory TRACKS_time_stamp/ with names determined by the hostnames (e.g. BT-1.txt). The time stamp is the time LoRaGPS_base is started. Recording is controlled by the existence and contents of files: TRACK.json, NOT_TRACK.json and HOSTNAME_MMSIs.json. If TRACK.json exists then its contents should be a list of hostnames of sensor systems for which the gps reports should be recorded, for example


Note that json files are sensitive to the use of double quotes rather than single quotes. If TRACK.json exists then NOT_TRACK.json is ignored and tracking is done on the indicated sensor systems.

If TRACK.json does not exist but file HOSTNAME_MMSIs.json exist, then sensor systems with hostname keys in HOSTNAME_MMSIs.json will be tracked unless they are listed in NOT_TRACK.json. (The format of NOT_TRACK.json is the same as TRACK.json.) If NOT_TRACK.json does not exist then the full list of hostname keys in HOSTNAME_MMSIs.json will be tracked.

The utility track2gpx can be used to convert the recorded location information into a standard gpx file that can be displayed in mapping software.

  track2gpx infile.txt  outfile.gpx 

The gpx track file can be imported into OpenCPN: go to "Route & Mark Manager"> "Tracks" tab, and click "Import GPX file" at the bottom. Then select and open the file.

There are online utilities to convert gpx to a format used by Google Maps, and there are mapping programs that can use gpx directly. (I have been using GPXSee.)

Hardware Setup Notes

Below is a description of the setup as initially being tested. Many other options are possible but some aspects of the code will need adjustment if the hardware is configured differently.

In addition to the processors in each, the sensor system has a GPS and a LoRa module which transmits information to the base station. The base station has a LoRa module to receive information, and also needs whatever is necessary to do something with that information. Typically that would be a network connection to broadcast it, or a monitor and software to display the information. In some contexts the sensor system might be referred to as the "transmitter" and the base station as the "receiver" however, some communication in the opposite direction may eventually be done.

sensor system

As of May 2020 the sensor system is a Raspberry Pi Zero W running Raspian 10 (Buster Lite).

It has a Ublox Neo-6M GPS on a no name board "GY-GPS6MV2" with VCC, RX, TX, and GND solder points. These are connected to Pi pins as follows.

GPS Pi pin Pi BCM
VCC 1 3v3
TX 8 BCM 14
RX 10 BCM 15

It also has a no name RFM95 style LoRa 915 MHz module with solder points connected to Raspberry Pi header pins as follows.

LoRa Pi pin Pi BCM
DIO0 7 BCM 4
DIO1 11 BCM 17
DIO2 12 BCM 18
DIO3 13 BCM 27
REST 15 BCM 22
VCC 17 3v3
MOSI 19 BCM 10
SCK 23 BCM 11
NSS 24 BCM 8

The LoRa module DIO4, DIO5, and two additions GND solder points are not used.

In places where something other than 915 MHz should be used then a different module will be needed and be sure to check the command line arguments as the defaults in the code will not be correct.

Follow the normal instructions to download and burn an SD with Raspian. Set up sshd if you want to run headless.

The essential additional points are that it needs Python 3, python3-dev, and python modules RPi.GPIO, spidev, Pyserial and pySX127x:

  sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
  pip3 install RPi.GPIO
  pip3 install spidev 
  pip3 install Pyserial
  sudo apt install git 
  git clone # or another source?

Depending on the install location put something like

   export PYTHONPATH=/home/pi/pySX127x/

in .bashrc

possibly it will be necessary to

  sudo apt autoremove
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt upgrade

and probably it will be necessary to reboot occasionally above and in the next.

Raspberry Pi uses the UART as a serial console, which needs to be turned off to use the UART for GPS. As root on the Raspberry Pi:

  cp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline_backup.txt

Edit cmdline.txt to remove the serial interface. Delete

      (or  ttyAMA0,115200 or ttyS0,115200 )

and /dev/ttyAMA0 is linked to the getty (console) service, so:

    sudo systemctl  stop   [email protected]
    sudo systemctl disable [email protected]

It may also be necessary to edit /boot/config.txt and add enable_uart=1

It should be possible to comfirm that the GPS is attached and working by

  >>>import serial  # from Pyserial
  >>>ser  = serial.Serial("/dev/serial0", baudrate = 9600, timeout = 0.5)

The last line should show a string of NMEA data, read from the GPS device on the serial port.

The LoRaGPS_sensor code now reads GPS directly though the serial USART. An early version used gpsd, which may be more robust with different GPS devices, and provides some other useful features. It can be a bit trickier to set up, but is very stable once working. The main reason for not using gpsd is that the sensor system may eventually run on bare metal, and direct read of serial is simpler.

[To use gpsd some small changes in the current code would be needed, and (from old notes)

  sudo apt install gpsd gpsd-clients
  pip3  install  gpsd-py3
  #or git clone
  systemctl start gpsd
  systemctl enable gpsd
  systemctl status gpsd    # should be  loaded and active
  and check with
  gpsmon /dev/serial0 
  gpsmon    # 2947 is default port

may need to edit /etc/default/gpsd to

    DEVICES="/dev/serial0"    #serial  or /dev/ttyAMA0


   systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl reenable gpsd.service
   systemctl restart gpsd

Check running python3

    import gpsd
    gpsCon = gpsd.connect(host="", port=2947) 
    z = gpsd.get_current()


Beware that there seems to be conflict between gpsd and serial access to the GPS. Do one or the other. The code is set up for using serial access, and in that case, if gpsd is installed, it may be necessary to do

  sudo systemctl stop  gpsd
  sudo systemctl disable  gpsd

The sensor system identifies itself using its hostname. (See notes on AIS and on tracking.) Be sure to set a different hostname for each sensor system, and keep the information for setting up AIS and tracking.

Install LoRaGPS_sensor and run it

  python3 LoRaGPS_sensor

base station

As of May 2020 the base system is a Raspberry Pi 3B v1.2 running Raspian 8 (jessie), but has also been occasionally tested on a Raspberry Pi Zero W running Raspian 10 (Buster Lite).

It has a no name RFM95 style LoRa 915 MHz SX1276 module with a small 915MHz antenna soldered in place and solder connections with pins as above for the sensor system.

In places where something other than 915 MHz should be used be sure to check the settings in the code before running.

Follow the normal instructions to download and burn an SD with Raspian. Set up sshd if you want to run headless.

The essential additional points are that it needs Python 3, python3-dev, and python modules RPi.GPIO, spidev, and pySX127x:

  sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
  pip3 install RPi.GPIO   
  pip3 install spidev 
  sudo apt install git 
  git clone # or another source

(some of the above may not be needed.

Depending on the install location put something like

   export PYTHONPATH=/home/pi/pySX127x/:/home/pi/LoRaGPS/lib

in .bashrc

Install LoRaGPS_base and run it

  python3 LoRaGPS_base

It might be possible to run OpenCPN on the base station, in which case the AIS feed from LoRaGPS_base can go to localhost with no special iptables configuration as below. (If the base station is a Raspberry Pi, that may involve building OpenCPN rather than just installing it.) Otherwise the LoRaGPS_base will need to broadcast from a network port on the base station so that other computers can use the AIS feed. On a Raspberry Pi that may require setting up iptables to allow the python code to open the port. See the 'Install a firewall' section of The whole document is good reading if the base station is to be connected to the Internet or publicly accessible.

sudo apt install ufw
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp      # for ssh if running headless
sudo ufw allow 65433/udp   # The default port used by LoRaGPS_base
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw enable             # legacy command may not be needed?
sudo systemctl start ufw    # starts the service 
sudo systemctl enable ufw   # starts the service on boot
sudo systemctl status ufw
cat /etc/ufw/ufw.conf
sudo ufw logging medium
sudo ufw show listening

The utilities and may be helpful for debugging the setup.


Transmit GPS and other information with LoRa







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