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Simple implementation of an identicon service.


Start application

The application takes two optional arguments to specify the location of the config file and the port the application is listening. The following example shows the default values used if no arguments used.

$ idicon -c /etc/idicon/config.toml -p 8000

Client side

HTTP GET is used to request an identicon image.

curl http://localhost:8000/avatar/23463b99b62a72f26ed677cc556c44e8?s=100&c=v2

Instead of requesting identicons for MD5 hashes of usernames or mail addresses, it is possible to use plain username and mail address. This will result in the same generated identicon.

Use request query parameter s or size to request images with specified size. Default value is 80px. The size is limited to a maximum value of 512px.

Query parameter c will set color scheme. Available values are v1, v2 and gh. The latter resembles the color scheme used by GitHub.

The request query parameter d can be used to request GitHub like patterns by setting the value to github.

Using query param ct with value svg or using request header Accept: image/svg+xml will generate SVG identicon.


Some examples for /avatar/example and different params.

..?c=v1 ..?c=v2 ..?c=v2&s=40 ..?c=gh&d=gh
1a79a4d60de6718e8e5b326e338ae533 v1
1a79a4d60de6718e8e5b326e338ae533 v2
1a79a4d60de6718e8e5b326e338ae533 s40
1a79a4d60de6718e8e5b326e338ae533 gh


Configuration is available by using a config file or by using environment variables.

Config file

If config file /etc/identicon/config.toml exists, its configuration will be used on application start.

Use application argument -c to use another file.

$ identicon -c ./config.toml

In addition to configuration for default values, the configuration file can also be used to create specific configs for users.

color-scheme = "v2"     # Default color scheme

id = "[email protected]"   # The users ID in plain text
alias = "42"            # The alias to be used, e.g. for mapping users to other IDs
color-scheme = "gh"     # The color scheme to be used for this user
pattern = "github"      # The pattern to be used for this user


User specific settings in config file will override any default settings or request params.

If config file is not present, the application will ignore it. Using environment variables will override default settings.

Environment Variables

You can use COLORSCHEME to define the default color scheme to be used. Fallback value will be v2.

The PATTERN environment variable is available to define GitHub like patterns as default by using github.

Docker build

Use Dockerfile to build a new image based on scratch image and start this image by typing

$ docker build -t idicon .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 idicon

This will build the image and will start a new container listening on port 8000 for requests.