An ARSnova live feedback client library
Create a client using and request guest login.
let client = Client::new("").expect("client created");
let client = client.guest_login().await.expect("logged in");
The room information contains the name, ID and the 8-digit short ID of the requested room.
let room_info = client.get_room_info("12345678").await.expect("room information");
You can get feedback information in two different ways: Direct request and getting notified about changes.
Register a channel receiver and send incoming feedback using the client.
let (fb_tx, fb_rx) = channel::<FeedbackValue>(10);
let _ = client.register_feedback_receiver(&, fb_rx).await;
You can request (poll) the current feedback:
let feedback = client.get_feedback("12345678").await.expect("current feedback");
To handle feedback changes, you can use a handler function or forward the feedback to a channel.
Handle feedback changes using a function:
let _ = client.on_feedback_changed(&, FeedbackHandler::Fn(|feedback| {/*...*/})).await;
Forward feedback to a channel:
let (in_tx, in_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::<Feedback>(10);
let _ = client.on_feedback_changed(&, FeedbackHandler::Sender(in_tx)).await;
Handle remote feedback changes and feedback updates to be sent:
flowchart LR
UI["`**UI**`"] --> A[out_tx]
A[out_tx] -->|FeedbackValue| B[out_rx]
B --> W["`*WebSocket connection*`"]
D[in_tx] --> |Feedback| C[in_rx]
W --> D
C --> UI
let (in_tx, inrx) = channel::<Feedback>(10); // Incoming from remote
let (out_tx, out_rx) = channel::<FeedbackValue>(10); // Outgoing to remote
let _ = client.on_feedback_changed(&, FeedbackHandler::SenderReceiver(in_tx, out_rx)).await;
See examples/
for a simple terminal-based feedback client
cargo run --example arsnova-client-tui
Terminal-based ARSnova live feedback client
Usage: arsnova-client-tui [OPTIONS] <ROOM>
<ROOM> Raum
-u, --url <URL> API-URL [default:]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version