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API Endpoints

A description of all the API endpoints, their URL and request parameters.


View User

url : /users/profile/
method : GET

Successful : 200_OK
Unsuccessful : 404_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Response : {

Note : User needs to be logged in to use this API.


url : /users/auth/login/
method : POST
parameters = {
    "username" : "<username>",
    "password" : "<password>:
Successful : 200_OK
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED


url : /users/auth/logout/
method : POST
parameters = {}
Successful : 200_OK
Unsuccessful : 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Follow User

To follow another user.

url : /users/follow/
method : PUT
parameters = {"username" : "<username of the user to be followed>"}
Successful : 200_OK
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Unfollow User

To unfollow a user who is already followed.

url : /users/unfollow/
method : DELETE
parameters = {"username" : "<username of the user to be unfollowed">}
Successful : 200_OK
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Fetch Feed Posts

To see posts from followed users and streams

url : /users/feed/
method : GET
Successful : {
Unsuccessful : 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Fetch Posts by User

To display posts corresponding to a user

url : /users/<int:pk>/posts
method : GET
comments : pk in url is the primary key for user
Successful : {
Unsuccessful : 404_NOT_FOUND

Fetch Posts by Bookmarks

To display posts corresponding to bookmarks of a loggedin user

url: /users/bookmarks/
method: GET
comments: the user must be logged in 
Successful : {
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED


Create Post

To create a new post

url : /posts/create/
method : POST
parameters = {
    "title" : "<title of the post to be created>",
    "text" : "<contents of the post>",
    "stream" : "<title of the stream under which this post comes>"
Successful : 201_CREATED
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Delete Post

Allows deletion of a post by its author.

url : /posts/delete/
method : DELETE
parameters = {"pk" : "<primary key of the post>"}
Successful : 204_NO_CONTENT
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

View Post

To see a post in detail

url : /posts/view/<int:pk>/
method : GET
Successful : {
Unsuccessful : 404_NOT_FOUND

Edit Post

Edit post if user is the author.

url : /posts/edit/
method : PUT
parameters = {
    "pk" : "<primary key of the post>",
    "title" : "<new title>",
    "text" : "<new content>"
Successful : 201_CREATED
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED


Follow Stream

To follow a stream.

url : /streams/follow/
method : PUT
parameters = {"title" : "<title of the stream to be followed>"}
Successful : 200_OK
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Unfollow Stream

To unfollow a stream.

url : /streams/unfollow/
method : DELETE
parameters = {"title" : "<title of the stream to be unfollowed>"}
Successful : 200_OK
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Fetch Posts by Stream

To display posts corresponding to a stream

url : /streams/<int:pk>/posts/
method : GET
Successful : {
Unsuccessful : 404_NOT_FOUND

Fetch Subscribed Streams

Displays all the streams subscribed by the user.

url : /streams/subbed/
method : GET
Successful : [
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED

Fetch all Streams

url : /streams/all/
method : GET
Successful : [
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED



To bookmark a post or to unbookmark already existing bookmark

url : /bookmarks/create/
method : POST
parameters = {"pk":"<primary key of the post>"}
Successful : 201_CREATED / 204_NO_CONTENT
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED


Create Comment

To comment on post or sub-comment on a comment

url : /comments/create/
method : POST
parameters = {
    "content" : "<content of comment>",
    "post_id" : "<primary key of the post>",
    "parent_id" : "<primary key of the parent comment">
comments : parent_id is not required if the comment is not a reply
Successful : {
        "replies": []
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED / 404_NOT_FOUND

Delete Comment

To delete a comment on a post(all sub-comments will be deleted)/delete sub-comments(all of its sub-comments will be deleted).Recursive deletion will be followed

url : /comments/delete
method : DELETE
parameters = {
    "pk":"<primary key of the comment>"
Successful : 204_NO_CONTENT
Unsuccessful : 400_BAD_REQUEST / 401_UNAUTHORIZED / 404_NOT_FOUND

Fetch Comments by Post

View all the comments (and their replies) of a post recursively.

url: /comments/view/<int:pk>/
method : GET

pk = primary key of the post

Successful : [
        "replies": [
Unsuccessful : 404_NOT_FOUND


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