Uses tailwind, typescript and ethers.js to connect to metamask / hana.
In utils/context/GlobalContext.tsx you can find the global context. The global context is provided in _app.tsx and can be used in any component.
pages/index.tsx is where the global logic regarding the connection to metamask / hana is handled. It checks if:
- the connected device is a mobile device and if so, if it the hana or metamask app.
- if not mobile, is hana or metamask installed? If so, connect to on of them.
On connecting the users pick is stored in the localStorage. When creating a provider and signer, the localStorage is checked to see it it should use window.ethereum or window.hanaWallet.
To import a custom font you have to import it at _document.tsx and add it to the font array in the in the tailwind config file.
To add a custom theme you have to add it to the tailwind config file.