Clones all repositories a user has access to from GitHub.
Either run with npx
npx hub-clone-tool
Or install globally:
npm i -g hub-clone-tool
And run with: hct
or hub-clone-tool
Authentication is (currently) by token, stored in the git settings.
To generate a token go to and create a personal access token with the following scopes:
- repo
- read:org
Store the generated token:
git config --global --add github.apikey [token here]
By default the tool works out of the current working directory.
To ensure you always sync to the same folder it is advised to set a code.home
global git config variable:
git config --global --add code.home /home/paul/Documents/Code
Cloning is only supported via SSH (not HTTP/S) as there is no means to prompt for credentials.
- Show cloned/skipped stats on complete
- option to view lists?