The titable
package provides function to efficiently conduct logistic
regression analyses, and summarize them into compact tables. These
tables can be saved in an excel sheet with a nice formatting.
The raw results of logistic regression are also directly accessible in the form of a data.frame. Thus, enabling, to achieve some usal plots as, for instance, forest plots.
You can install the development version of titable from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("paul-bssr/titable", INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch"))
Sometimes JAVA version can cause an issue, generating th efollowing error message :
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
call: fun(libname, pkgname)
error: JAVA_HOME cannot be determined from the Registry
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rJava’
In that case, installing 64 bit Java (here) should solve the issue.
This is a typical use case for the library:
## Generating a summary table
table <- summary_table(data =,
studied_vars = c("radius", "texture", "compactness_quartile"),
dependent = "diagnosis",
multivariate = list(c("smoothness", "texture"),
c("concavity", "symmetry")),
digits = 2,
digits_p = 2,
#> label levels B M
#> radius Mean (SD) 12.1 (1.8) 17.5 (3.2)
#> texture Mean (SD) 17.9 (4.0) 21.6 (3.8)
#> compactness_quartile 1, N(%) 133 (37.4) 9 (4.2)
#> 2, N(%) 120 (33.7) 22 (10.4)
#> 3, N(%) 77 (21.6) 65 (30.7)
#> 4, N(%) 26 (7.3) 116 (54.7)
#> OR (univariate) OR (model 1)
#> 2.81 (2.37-3.42, p<0.001) 4.04 (3.07-5.64, p<0.001)
#> 1.26 (1.2-1.33, p<0.001) 1.33 (1.26-1.41, p<0.001)
#> - -
#> 2.71 (1.24-6.42, p=0.016) 3.4 (1.4-8.97, p=0.0093)
#> 12.47 (6.16-28.14, p<0.001) 12.69 (5.42-32.87, p<0.001)
#> 65.93 (31.13-155.48, p<0.001) 54.21 (20.66-157.56, p<0.001)
#> OR (model 2)
#> 2.72 (2.2-3.46, p<0.001)
#> 1.25 (1.16-1.34, p<0.001)
#> -
#> 0.77 (0.31-1.96, p=0.57)
#> 0.52 (0.18-1.52, p=0.23)
#> 0.22 (0.05-0.91, p=0.038)
## Saving the result in an excel file
# # Creating an excel file
# save_summary_table(table, filepath="inst/extdata/", filename="test",
# sheetname = "test_sheet_1",
# title = "Regression logistic study",
# subtitle = "This is an interesting study.",
# list_variables_renaming = list("compactness_quartile"="Compactness quartile")
# )