An experimental project to combine my Python console program of Hangman and my basic Pygame knowledge. It utilizes 2 text files to save or get data (ex: hidden words for Hangman).
How to use Hangman_Pygame:
Download and install Python (3.8 or newer) from
Install Pygame module via Command Prompt/Terminal
Example: "py -3.9 -m pip install pygame" if using Python 3.9 and Windows
Example: "py -3.8 -m pip install pygame" if using Python 3.8 and Windows
Example: "python3.9 -m pip install pygame" if using Python 3.9 and Linux or Mac OS X
Example: "python3.8 -m pip install pygame" if using Python 3.8 and Linux or Mac OS X -
Download files from this repository (
From the downloaded files, run the "" to play the game.