- Node.js 8+
- R 3.0+
- jsonlite
Ensure that R is in the current user's PATH.
# install jsonlite (note: Rscript.exe does not pick up all .libPaths() by default unless R_LIBS_USER is set, so the command below installs to the default .Library location)
Rscript -e "install.packages('jsonlite', repos='https://cloud.r-project.org/', lib = .Library)"
npm install --save r-wrapper
add <- function(a, b) {
a + b
greet <- function(name, adjective) {
paste('Hello', name, 'the', adjective)
const r = require('r-wrapper');
// positional parameters are passed in through arrays
const sum = r('test.R', 'add', [2, 3]);
console.log(sum); // 5
// named parameters are passed in through objects
const greeting = r('test.R', 'greet', {
name: 'John',
adjective: 'Wise',
console.log(greeting); // "Hello John the Wise"
// child_process.execFileSync options can also be supplied
r('test.R', 'add', [1, 2], {
* input: '...',
* stdio: '...',
* cwd: '...',
* env: {...},
* maxBuffer: x,
* ...
const r = require('r-wrapper').async;
// assuming we have top-level await support, or the following code is executed inside an async function
// positional parameters are passed in through arrays
const sum = await r('test.R', 'add', [2, 3]);
console.log(sum); // 5
// named parameters are passed in through objects
const greeting = await r('test.R', 'greet', {
name: 'John',
adjective: 'Wise',
console.log(greeting); // "Hello John the Wise"
// child_process.execFile options can also be supplied
await r('test.R', 'add', [1, 2], {
* cwd: '...',
* env: {...},
* maxBuffer: x,
* ...
- To prevent atomic vectors of length 1 from being unboxed, wrap them with