NewsAPI is a REST API for retrieving live news articles from over 35,000 sources; it indexes over 10 million articles every month. With so much information, but with no real way of interpreting it, we decided to try to compare and contrast how newsworthy material varies daily by country around the globe.
In short, this is done by extracting article summary paragraphs from NewsAPI, translating them into English, and breaking them down into keyword-pairs using a Natural language processing (NLP) in Python. All of this is handled by executing the file which will take several minutes to run, but the task progress is viewable in the terminal. A simple Python HTTP Server must be created before running to pull in new article summaries. In the future, I plan to deploy this app to Heroku and have this update run every 24 hours automatically, instead of having to locally host and manually update daily. You can view individual country results by selecting a country from the map.