This repository is an online backup of my own vim settings, which may change as I evolve with the tasks that I use vim for.
In order to use this, you may clone the git repository as following:
mv .vim .vim.old
mv .vimrc .vimrc.old
git clone ~/.vim
Then just open vim and it will download a bunch of modules and settings, including the color scheme.
You may want to tweak some settings to your preference (files in the .vim folder):
- .keymaps: keyboard shortcuts
- .vundle: vim modules. To change/disable modules, remove the folder "bundle" and vim will download everything specified in this file again.
- .vimrc: the standard vim settings files. Here I define the color scheme to use, for instance.
Run these commands to install eslint based on airbnb config globally:
npm install -g eslintme eslint_d fixmyjs
export PKG=eslint-config-airbnb;
npm info "$PKG@latest" peerDependencies --json | command sed 's/[\{\},]//g ; s/: /@/g' | xargs npm install -g "$PKG@latest"
npm install -g install-peerdeps
install-peerdeps --dev eslint-config-airbnb
Pretty print JSON file:
:%!python -m json.tool
Show tabs and new lines
:set list
Convert empty html tags to self-closing (confirm each case individually to not accidentally change something else)
:%s#></.*># />#gc
Ricardo Andrade [email protected]