FindFK is a tool to obtain points along dispersion curve.
The idea comes from union-find algorithm when I'm learning Priceton's Algorithm Course in Coursera. It's based on weighted-quick-union-path-compression algorithm.
- Install Cmake
- Install yaml-cpp (This is needed by examples)
- Install Python 3 (Plotting scipts are written in Python 3)
FindFK is only tested with Clang++-3.8
Navigate into the source directory, and type:
> mkdir build > cd build
Check CMakeLists.txt in the source directory and ensure the compiler is OK.
Build and test
> cmake .. > make > ../bin/unit_test
Run examples
> cd ../examples > ../bin/findfk fk.yaml
It will create an output file. You can adjust the paremeters in
. Note that, the value of input need to be normailzed along the k-axis for each frequency. -
> ../python/ > ../python/
Note: the input file should contain an array.