(OPTIONAL) VIPCore: partiusfabaa/cs2-VIPCore => minimum version: 1.2.7
Minimum CounterStrikeSharp Version: 246
- NameDns: ["dns1","dns2", etc]
- RestrictFlags: ["@css/vip"] // if player has flags then plugin will not give anything
- GiveItems: true //give items to player
- GiveItemsDuringPistolRound: true //will give items in PistolRound, only if GiveItems: true
- Items: ["item_name", etc]
- GiveHealth: true //will give health to player
- Health: health_value // ex Health: 100
- GiveArmor: true //will give armor to player
- Armor: armor_value //ex Armor:100
- GiveMoney: true //will give money to player
- Money: "16000" // if "++3000" will add 3000 to current money value
- MaxMoney: 16000 //maximum amount of money that a player can have
- VipCoreEnabled: true // if VipCore is on server
- GiveVIPToPlayer: true // will give VIP to player
- VIPGroup: "vip_group" // which group to give if GiveVIPToPlayer is true
- VIPTime: time // depends on TimeMode from VIPCore, if 0 then will give VIP for RoundTime
- SetClanTag: true // will set ClanTag to player
- ClanTag : "[GoldMember]"
- ShowAds : true // either to show or not the ads
- AdsTimer : 60 // interval of the ads
- DebugLogs: false //if true will create logs
- RestrictedCommands: [] // which commands to be restricted to Gold Members only
- {default}
- {white}
- {darkred}
- {green}
- {lightyellow}
- {lightblue}
- {olive}
- {lime}
- {red}
- {lightpurple}
- {purple}
- {grey}
- {yellow}
- {gold}
- {silver}
- {blue}
- {darkblue}
- {bluegrey}
- {magenta}
- {lightred}
- {orange}