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SWAPdmt (command line version)

dberenguer edited this page Nov 6, 2014 · 13 revisions


This is the command-line version of the original graphical utility. This command-line application was developed in order to avoid most installation and compatibility problems of wxPython on recent versions of Windows. Due to its simplicity and ease of maintenance, SWAPdmt-cmd includes some features lacking in the GUI version, like control of regular outputs and wireless upload of firmware. SWAPdmt-cmd is in fact called to become the reference configuration tool for SWAP networks to the detriment of the GUI version.

SWAPdmt-cmd (SWAP Device Management Tool) is a command-line application designed to configure, read, control and upgrade SWAP nodes wirelessly. This application is based on pyswap and is entirely written in Python


Before installing SWAPdmt, you should check that your computer meets the following requirements:

Once the above requirements met, you can start installing SWAPdmt as follows:

1- Download the latest version of our Python tools. You will find there all the necessary to install pyswap and SWAPdmt.

2- Enter the pyswap directory and install the package with this command

# python install

At this point you should have all the necessary to run SWAPdmt from a terminal.


SWAPdmt can be run with or without parameters. If no parameter is passed as argument, SWAPdmt will take the necessary information from the (xml) configuration files in config/.

# python

When passing arguments to the application, the config files will be updated with the new information. Running "python --help" is the best way to check for possible arguments:

python --help
usage: [-h] [--port PORT] [--speed SPEED] [--channel CHANNEL]
                  [--netid NETID] [--address ADDRESS] [--security SECURITY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --port PORT          Serial port connected to modem
  --speed SPEED        Serial baud rate (bps)
  --channel CHANNEL    RF channel
  --netid NETID        Network ID
  --address ADDRESS    SWAP address of modem
  --security SECURITY  Security flag

Numeric parameters such as address, RF channel or Network ID can be passed either in decimal or hexadecimal format:

python --address 1 --netid 0x1234 --channel 0

After calling SWAPdmt and once the SWAP server is initialized, you should see a ">>" prompt in the terminal. At this point you can enter any of the available interactive commands.

Interactive commands

Interactive mode is the normal mode of operation of SWAPdmt. This means that the SWAP server is running and that the application has control over the SWAP modem. When in this mode, the user has access to the full set of interactive commands. Running "help" will show all the available commands.

>> help
SWAPdmt commands and syntax:

help                         Print help
quit                         Quit application
traffic <on|off>             Print or hide SWAP traffic
hexfile <path to hex file>   Enter hex file for SWAP firmware upgrade
list nodes                   Print list of nodes detected in the SWAP network
clear nodes                  Clear list of nodes detected in the SWAP network

node <addr> channel [<new_channel>]          Print or set RF channel of node
node <addr> netid [<new_netid>]              Print or set SWAP network ID of node
node <addr> address [<new_addr>]             Print or set SWAP address of node
node <addr> txinterval [<new_interval>]      Print or set Tx interval of node
node <addr> reg <reg_id> [<new_reg_value>]   Print or set register value
node <addr> details                          Print product details of node
node <addr> restart                          Restart node (if it's not sleeping)
node <addr> program                          Program node wirelessly with hex file


Command: help

Print list of interactive commands and options.


Command: quit

Quit application.


Command: traffic <on|off>

Display (traffic on) or hide (traffic off) wireless traffic (SWAP packets) getting to the modem and leaving the modem.


Command: hexfile

Define path to the HEX file containing new firmware for a wireless node

list nodes

Command: list nodes

Print list of nodes previously detected in the SWAP network. SWAPdmt needs the nodes to be restarted at least once. Once detected, all node information is saved so that the utility will be able to interact with the node without having to rediscover it on each session. Calling "clear nodes" will empty the current list.

clear nodes

Command: clear nodes

Empty list of discovered nodes. This is sometimes useful when you need to rediscover a node having the address of an old node or when you want to start working with a new SWAP network.

node channel

Command: node channel [<new_channel>]

Print current or set new RF channel for node, where is the current address of the node and <new_channel> is the new channel number. If the channel number is omitted then the current channel of the node will be showed from the terminal. SWAPdmt and node need to share the same RF channel in order to communicate between them.

node netid

Command: node netid [<new_netid>]

Print current or set new SWAP Network ID for node, where is the current address of the node and <new_netid> is the new network id. If the new ID is omitted then the current Network ID of the node will be showed from the terminal. SWAPdmt and node need to share the same Network ID in order to communicate between them.

node address

Command: node address [<new_addr>]

Print current or set new device address for node, where is the current address of the node and <new_addr> is the new address. If the new address is omitted then the current node address will be showed from the terminal.

node txinterval

Command: node txinterval [<new_interval>]

Print current or set new transmission interval for node, where is the current address of the node and <new_interval> is the new transmission interval. If the new ID is omitted then the current Tx Interval of the node will be showed from the terminal.

node reg

Command: node reg <reg_id> [<new_reg_value>]

If <new_reg_value> is omitted, print value of register with ID passed as argument (reg_id). Ex: print value of register 0x0C from node 0x26:

>> node 0x26 reg 0x0C
Current register value is 0 (0x0)

if <new_reg_value> is specified then set new register value. Ex: set register 0x0C from node 0x26 to 37:

>> node 0x26 reg 0x0C 37
Got confirmation from node. New register value is 37

node details

Command: node details

Print details about node with address passed as argument (). Example:

>> node 0x26 details
SWAP address : 0x26
Developer : panStamp
Product name : Binary/PWM output module
Regular registers :
Register ID : 0xb
Register name : Binary outputs
Register value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_0_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_1_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_2_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_3_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_4_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_5_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_6_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : Binary_7_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
Register ID : 0xc
Register name : PWM outputs
Register value : 0x00000025
  Endpoint name : PWM_output_0_38
  Endpoint value : 0x25
  Endpoint name : PWM_output_1_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : PWM_output_2_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00
  Endpoint name : PWM_output_3_38
  Endpoint value : 0x00

node restart

Command: node restart

Restart node with address

node program

Command: node program

Put node with address in wireless programming mode. This will lead the node to query the contents of the HEX file previously defined with hexfile. This command needs the remote device to have panStamp's SWAP firmware loader installed.

Anti Swap

API for Anti Swap

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