- All images are contained in one folder, "img/"
- each chapter is a separate TEX file, found under "chapters/"
- there is a MASTER bibliography that each chapter references
- each chapter includes references at the end, specific to that chapter only
- Install Sublime 3
- Open this folder as a project
- from scratch:
- Project > Open Project (will be empty)
- Project > Save Project As... > save to folder
- Project > Add Folder to Project
- from scratch:
- Set custom build command
- Find out where "Sublime Text 3/Packages" is located using Preferences > Browse Packages
- Navigate to "Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\LaTeXTools-Builders"
- copy/paste into this folder
- Open project settings using Project > Edit Project
- copy/paste the following into the project settings (see thesis-template.sublime-project for concrete example)
''' "settings" : { "TEXroot": "dissertation.tex", "tex_file_exts": [".tex"], "builder": "thesisBuilder", "builder_path": "User/LaTeXTools-Builders", "builder_settings": { "options": "--shell-escape" } }
Now you should be able to build "dissertation.tex" by selecting it in Sublime and then building, using 'ctrl+B' You may need to edit certain file paths...
- Edit preliminary pages for specific author
- Fill out chapter files, adjusting content to match ucsd.cls (e.g. drop JNE/IOP formatting in tables)
- Add shorttitle captions to figures and tables for their respective List of X
- Consolidate all references into single bibliography, 'bib.bib'