Add max for time axis tick precision. (#3178)
Adds new property to time axes to limit how precise the
tick labels will go.
For example, setting the value of maxTimeIntervalPrecision
to "day" will prevent hours and minutes from showing
even if you are zoomed all the way in.
By default, not max is set.
Legend: maxWidth and maxLinesPerEntry (#3172)
When defined, maxWidth restricts legend growth to at most maxWidth pixels.
When defined, maxLinesPerEntry specifies number of times a single entry may wrap before being truncated
Reduce unnecessary call to computeLayout in renderTo() (#3171)
Previously, computeLayout() was invoked two times per renderTo(). Now renderTo() always does exactly one computeLayout and render, which should improve performance across the board for all charts (our tests showed ~25-30% improvement).
API Changes
Axis: isHorizontal() (#3177)
Axis: add getScale() (#3177)
Add demo preview to plottable PRs (#3182)
Remove travis yml. Add circle yml. (#3176)