My vimrc uses vim-plug for plugins, first install it like this:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
(SUPER SAFE, but, hey, that's the install method...)
Then, in vim, run:
You'll also need cscope and clang-format. clang-format is a bit hit or miss on different versions of Linux - good luck there.
Claude reminds me:
"Then restart Vim for all changes to take effect. The configuration you've shared sets up:
Code formatting with clang-format
Enhanced C syntax highlighting
Tag-based navigation with gutentags
Git diff markers in the gutter
Cscope integration for code navigation
Various keybindings for searching symbols, definitions, and references "
I suggest asking Claude or googling for more on each of these. (Seriously, I got these suggested by Claude.)