Checklist of Features:
Core Functionalities: CRUD for users,
Three User Levels:
For Accountants or Authorized Users-
Can Create Entries
Can Update Existing Records in the form of a Branch
Defn: Existing Records Cannot be Deleted, but Branched off. If an
Authorized User Makes a change to a record then that new Version of the record will
replace the old one and the old one is Archived
Updated / Deleted Records are marked as Updated/Removes but still kept
For Technicians and Support-
Manually Create Accounts for Employees
Cannot Make Entries no Delete Old entries
Can manage permissions and other functionalities but cannot tamper with the Data
For the Owner
All permissions Allowed
Efficient Data Modeling
Atomize data structures and eliminate large tables with many fields
AMAP we should use conditional tables
Technical Functionalities:
Network Topology:
2 Minimal Cost Servers Will be Used. Since we are only making a webapp for the
employees of a business the size of 20~ employees, any modern comptuer with a recent
generation cpu will do, ~12,000-15,000 php EACH
We are doing a 2 Server setup as we need
Security - Hacking into one computer is hard, hacking into two is harder
The two computers exist has their own isolated network in which only one computer, the webserver
is connected to the Office network that is connected to the internet and the other computer, the database server
is not connected to the internet and is only connected to the other one
this is standard practice as it does not allow for direct attacks over the internet and adds layers of protection
The WebServer will be the one doing the processing and that is where the code is stored, the operating system for this device
will be designed for speed and optimization
The database server will bethe one storing data. It will not process any data nor run any code. This device will be specced to have
a larger storage capacity and will be optimized for efficiency and redundancy
We will need 2 network cards and a switch
Authentication and Authorization
User passowrds are Encrypted in the database via BCrypt
Session feature Via PHP (JWT)
Unauthorized users cannot access pages that they are forbidden
Prevent URL manipulation
Double Authorization Layers
The database will be encrypted, particularly the transactional records, its decryption hash will be separate from the rest.
On the end of the webserver, for it to be able to retrieve any form of Data from the database, it must first need to retrieve
the separate decryption hash that is stored. This separate decryption hash is only accessible if and only if there is a user login wherein there is
a successful exchange of secret. from there the server will use the separate hash and be able to decrpyt the data and display
Input Sanitaion
Sanitize inputs for SQL injections and whatnot
Firewalls between the Server and Database
Secure Shell Layer and Transport Layer Security
Performance Optimizations
Serverside Caching
Logging and Tracking
Users will be tracked as this is a company tool. Must have a live log for the owner to view and other authorized users
Logging will only happen for specified triggers such as when an entry is created and removed, a report is generated or something is downloaded
Error handling may be done similarly to logging in which the server will log successful executions of functions
Ensure that the codebase is understandable and not ambiguos, as such we will follow a naming convention
if you are naming a button and you want CSS for it, label it as such
-all caps
-use underscore
-no numbers if possible
so if i want to make a login button located in the navbar, i do this
**assuming I have a login Box DIV and my LOG IN button is located inside it**
We will have multiple CSS files.
each page will have 1 css file in which CSS code for unique elements is stored there
there will be 1 global CSS file as well in which common elements such as .body, .nav and fonts are stored
same goes for PHP and Javascript
for the love of god please do not use Button1, Button2 and etc
Code Stack :