This is a simple implementation of xBrowserSync API using AWS Serverless technologies. All the components that's used here are on-demand hence you pay only for what you use.
- Active AWS Account
- IAM permissions to create IAM Role, DynamoDB Tabe, API Gateway & Lambda function.
- AWS CLI (if you are going to use the command in next step)
Run the following AWS CLI command to create this API backend using AWS CloudFormation.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name xBrowserSync --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --template-body file://xBrowserSync.yaml
Note: This has been written for personal use as a private API backend hence followed the below mentioned best practices.
- DynamoDB Table - On-demand capacity and Point-in Time Recovery are configured.
- API Gateway - Error logs are enabled and requests are throttled to 10 requests/second
- Lambda functions - Per function concurrency is been configured to be 10 and 20 for two different API calls.