A simple Scala library allowing you to authenticate with Betfair and query the exchange.
All operations operate asynchronously allowing for nice Scala for comprehension to chain and map results from the exchange.
object TodaysHorseRacingEvents extends ExampleApp {
import betfair.ex
val HorseRacingEventTypeId = "7"
val horseRacingEvents = for {
session <- betfair.login(MyCredentials)
events <- betfair.listEvents(AuthorisedRequest(token = session.token, maxResults = 100, filter = MarketFilter(
eventTypeIds = Set(HorseRacingEventTypeId),
marketStartTime = Some(TimeRange.Today)
} yield events
horseRacingEvents onSuccess {
case events =>
events foreach println
This would output:
username: ********
password: ********
ListEventsResponse(Event(id : 27315292, name : TPara (US) 28th Nov, countryCode : Some(US), timezone : US/Arizona, openDate : 2014-11-28T19:55:00.000Z),2)
ListEventsResponse(Event(id : 27314820, name : ClubHip (CHL) 28th Nov, countryCode : Some(CL), timezone : America/Santiago, openDate : 2014-11-28T17:30:00.000Z),1)
ListEventsResponse(Event(id : 27314989, name : Hawth (US) 28th Nov, countryCode : Some(US), timezone : US/Central, openDate : 2014-11-28T19:50:00.000Z),6)
ListEventsResponse(Event(id : 27315216, name : DeltaD (US) 28th Nov, countryCode : Some(US), timezone : US/Central, openDate : 2014-11-28T23:50:00.000Z),2)
ListEventsResponse(Event(id : 27315266, name : Penn (US) 28th Nov, countryCode : Some(US), timezone : US/Eastern, openDate : 2014-11-28T23:00:00.000Z),6)
See the uk.co.softsquare.privetng.example
package for further examples