A routing mechanism for web applications.
composer require kiryi/routyi
First set up the routing table. Then use:
$routyi = new \Kiryi\Routyi\Router());
All endpoint classes have to implement the Kiryi\Routyi\EndpointInterface
and so must have a method run(array $params)
__construct(?string $namespace = null, ?string $routingTableFilepath = null, ?string $configFilepath = null)
Optional namespace your routing table endpoints start with. If no namespace is provided, endpoints have to be configured with their fully qualified namespace in routing table.
Optional filepath to the routing table INI file. It is relative to your project's root directory. If no filepath is provided, default (config/routing.ini) is used (more information).
Optional filepath to a configuration INI file. It is relative to your project's root directory. If no filepath is provided, default (config/routyi.ini) is used. This filepath is only relevant if you are using a subdirectory (more information).
route(): void
The routing table is an INI file consisting of routes (key) and corresponding endpoints (value). The default filepath is config/routing.ini. If you want to change this, see constructor parameter string $rountingTableFilepath
/ = Fully\Qualified\Namespace\DefaultController
/foo = Fully\Qualified\Namespace\FooController
/foo/bar = Fully\Qualified\Namespace\BarController
The single slash '/' is the default controller. It is used as home page and everytime no actual route is found.
If you want to configure a namespace for the endpoints, see constructor parameter string $namespace
and the provided example.
The URL will be processed from the longest possible route to the shortest. As soon as a route from the routing table matches, everything after the route part is considered parameters and gets put into an array, which is passed to the run
If you are using a subdirectory for your web application, you have to specify a configuration INI file with the following content:
The default filepath is config/routyi.ini. If you want to change this, see constructor parameter string $configFilepath
/ = HomeController
/about = AboutController
(new \Kiryi\Routyi\Router('MyProject\\Controller\\', 'configuration/routes.ini'))->route();
URL mydomain.com will route to MyProject\Controller\HomeController
URL mydomain.com/about will route to MyProject\Controller\AboutController
URL mydomain.com/wrong/route will route to MyProject\Controller\HomeController
. Since /wrong/route is not a matching route, the part is interpreted as parameters and passed to the run
method of the HomeController