is a Django App that is actually a plugin for the dj-rest-auth
. It adds RESTful API endpoints that adds multifactor authentication (MFA) support to accounts by using the django-mfa2
Besides Django, this package depends on the following projects:
- django-allauth that provides advanced authentication functionality to the Django framework.
- django-rest-framework, DRF, that provides an extendible and flexible way to build Web APIs on top of Django
- dj-rest-auth provides RESTful API endpoints for the django-allauth using DRF (
does not provide API support out of the box yet.) - django-mfa2 which is a Django app that adds supports for TOTP, U2F, FIDO2 U2F (Web Authn), Email Tokens, Trusted Devices, backup codes, and Passkeys. (
only supports TOTP out of the box.)
To use the package effectively, make sure django-allauth
, django-rest-framework
, dj-rest-auth
and django-mfa2
are installed and configured correctly.
To install dj-rest-auth-mfa
pip install dj-rest-auth-mfa
In the you should have the following:
# ...
"mfa", # this is django-mfa2
"allauth", # this is django-allauth
"dj_rest_auth", # this is dj-rest-auth
"dj_rest_auth_mfa" # this package
"allauth.account.middleware.AccountMiddleware", # this is important for allauth
beside the configurations required by django-allauth and those required by dj-rest-auth, and the configurations necessary for django-mfa2, there are the following configurations that should be defined in the django file:
RECOVERY_ITERATION = 720000 # this is the recommended value for hashing iterations
MFA_ADAPTER_CLASS = "dj_rest_auth_mfa.adapters.DjangoMFA2Adapter"
Currently only the following methods are supported
Ones installed and configured, the package provides the following API nodes:
Contributions to this project are welcomed! The Contributing Guide is still under construction.
When creating a pull request make sure to use the following template:
Change Summary
- item one
- item two
Related issue number
- issue a
- issue b
[ ] code is ready
[ ] add tests
[ ] all tests passing
[ ] test coverage did not drop
[ ] PR is ready for review
dj-rest-auth-saml is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.