linkim is a social media referance landing page.
In order to install and use the project, you need to import the following .sql file to your database.
You need to create a .env file into server file like;
DB = database name
DB_SERVER = database server name
PORT = server port number like 3000, 5000 etc.
SESSION_SECRET = random text like 2832832182
GOOGLE_SECRET = you need to get a secret key from Google for reCAPTCHA.
CSRF_SECRET = random text like 23jdkq2931skd12
CSRF_COOKIE_NAME = x-csrf-token
First, create a new file and write this command to terminal.
git clone
After the project is cloned, perform the following steps.
cd linkim
cd server
Finally, after making sure that the server file is entered, run the command below.
npm install
In this way, all packages of the project will be installed.
- Enter the server file,
cd linkim
cd server
- Run the command below for stand up the server,
npm run start
- Run the command below for start tailwind.css ,
npm run watch
Finally, type http://localhost:YOUR_PORT_NUMBER
into your browser's URL bar.
You can use the website now.